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Hello everyone. I hope you're all doing well, and ready to start off the year with a new chapter of the quote book! I'm really excited to post even more quotes this year! Also, feel free to comment and vote for the story if you're enjoying it.

PS: Budogaoka high school is the official name for the high school that Josuke and his friends go to in JoJo Part 4.



Koichi + Okuyasu + Josuke: *Doing a haunted house with ghosts together*

Josuke: "Where's Okuyasu?"

Koichi: "No clue. Let's look for him!"

Josuke: *opens a random closet and finds Okuyasu*

Okuyasu: "Leave me alone. I'm trying to hide in here!"

Josuke: "You think hiding in this room is going to keep you safe??"

Okuyasu: "Yeah. Ghosts can't go through doors, stupid! They're not fire..."


Josuke + Okuyasu: *Talking to Okuyasu's brother, Keicho*

Josuke: "We've heard about something at our school called 'night school', can you tell us about it?"

Keicho: "Oh... I made it up, night school doesn't exist. I used to be a student at Budogaoka High School, like you two. One day, I invented a fake course to get a free credit. To keep up the lie, I had to create a fake teacher who needed other fake classes... that needed to be filled with other fake students... and so on, and so on, and so on, Ex Chetera!"

Josuke: "Did you just mispronounce Et Cetera..."

Keicho: "My Latin class is fake, Josuke. Like all my classes, like my life. Aren't you listening!?"

Josuke: "Yeah, I am..."


Okuyasu + Akira: *Having a battle with their stands*

Akira: "SO, our battle ends as it began!"

Okuyasu: "...WHAT?? It didn't begin this way!


Koichi: "The school's really gone downhill lately because of all the stand users; we should cross off some stuff on this 'school improvement list' today."

Koichi: *Passes the list to Josuke*

Josuke: "You're right! What this school needs are a band of heroes, champions, willing to rise up and... get all of those potatoes out of the gym???"


Rohan: "I've noticed that your school keeps losing boxes of hair nets, and I find it very intriguing. Do you know who might have stolen a box of hair nets from your school kitchen??"

Okuyasu: "Someone with hair!"

Rohan: "I'm going to write that down!"

Rohan: *Adds Yukako's name at the top of a list of suspects*


Mikitaka: *Walks through Josuke + Okuyasu's school*

Josuke: *Sees Mikitaka from across the hallway*

Josuke: "Hey Mikitaka, what the hell are you doing here?"

Mikitaka: "Hello Josuke. I am at your school because I recently registered myself with your local authorities. I am now a man and student named 'Subway'. Here is my student ID."

Mikitaka: *Hands Josuke and Okuyasu a student ID*

Okuyasu: "I don't believe this... come on Subway, there is NO WAY you're 5"10 (roughly 177 cm)."

Josuke: "...Bro, don't encourage Mikitaka."


Josuke: *Doing an announcement about an inter-school sports competition in morioh-cho*

Josuke: "Students of Budogaoka High School, I ask you now to prepare for war. And I ask Shigechi... to please fix the microphone on my laptop... it's doing that THING again!"


Josuke + Okuyasu + Koichi: *Following Akira to the records room because he's being suspicious*

Josuke: "Hey! What are you doing?"

Akira: *Speaking sarcastically* Oh, I'll just be storing fireworks in this records room during the school concert... hopefully they don't go off when I hit the final note of my awesome keytar solo and burn up the records that have evidence of my misdeeds!

Okuyasu: "Akira, you're insane! You're still into keytar??"

Josuke: "We're going to tell the teachers about what you've done!"

Akira: "Yeah right! You think they'll believe you losers over the guy who just nailed an awesome solo."

Koichi: "You're going to burn down the school and KILL everyone!?!?"

Akira: "UM NO, fire can't go through doors stupid! It's not a ghost."


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