just a peice of stone. 💔

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The graveyard was bathed in a pale wash of moonlight as Kyle stood alone by Stan's grave, a solitary figure in the sea of silent tombstones. He clutched a letter in his trembling hands, the paper worn from countless readings.

"I never thought I'd have to say these words to a cold piece of stone," Kyle whispered to the night, his breath visible in the chill air. "Why did you leave, Stan? Why did you have to go?"

A bitter wind swept through the cemetery, carrying with it the sting of sorrow that mirrored Kyle's heart. He kneeled beside the grave, as if hoping for some sign of a response from the friend who now only existed in memories.

"Everything feels wrong without you," Kyle confessed, the weight of grief bearing down on him like an unrelenting force. "I still reach for my phone to call you, forgetting that you won't pick up."

The letter he held was a chronicle of unsent messages, a desperate attempt to bridge the gap between the living and the departed. Kyle unfolded it, the crinkling paper echoing the fragility of the emotions etched within.

"I should've told you how much you meant to me, how you were the anchor in my chaotic world," Kyle read aloud, his voice trembling with regret. "But now, all I have are these words, echoing in the emptiness."

He laid the letter on the grave, the inked confessions now a testament to a love unspoken. Tears welled in Kyle's eyes, reflecting the pale moon above, as he traced the engraved dates on the tombstone.

"I'd give anything to hear your laughter one more time, to share another stupid adventure with you," Kyle admitted, his voice breaking with the weight of unfulfilled wishes.

The shadows of the tombstones seemed to close in, an eerie dance that mirrored the shadows in Kyle's heart. The moon cast a cold glow on the scene, emphasizing the isolation of grief.

"Why did you go, Stan? Why did you leave me behind?" Kyle's words hung in the air, unanswered by the silent graveyard.

As he walked away, leaving the letter as a testament to unspoken words, Kyle couldn't escape the haunting emptiness that now echoed within him. The moonlit cemetery cradled the loneliness of a friend who had become a memory, leaving Kyle to navigate a world that felt infinitely colder without Stan's warmth.

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