drunk... again? 💞

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The night was draped in shadows as Kyle anxiously waited by the door. The phone call from Wendy had been unexpected, revealing that Stan, in his usual escapades, had found himself on the wrong side of sobriety. Kyle sighed, rubbing his temples as he anticipated the chaotic arrival.

Soon enough, the doorbell rang, and Kyle opened it to a stumbling Stan, supported by a more-than-amused Wendy. Stan's laughter echoed through the hallway, a tipsy melody that left Kyle shaking his head.

"Thanks, Wendy. I'll take it from here," Kyle said with a wry smile.

Wendy grinned, giving Stan an affectionate peck on the cheek. "Good luck. He's all yours."

As Wendy departed, Kyle turned to Stan, who wore a goofy grin that hinted at his inebriated state. "Stan, you're a mess."

"Kyle!" Stan exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Kyle in an unsteady embrace. "I love you, man. You're like... my guardian angel or something."

Kyle chuckled, guiding Stan toward the living room. "More like the one who has to deal with your drunken antics. Sit down, I'll get you some water."

Stan flopped onto the couch, a content smile on his face. "You're the best, Kyle. Seriously."

As Kyle returned with a glass of water, Stan's eyes lit up. "Water! My savior!"

Kyle shook his head, handing him the glass. "Drink this, Stan. You'll thank me in the morning."

Stan took a long gulp, then sighed dramatically. "You're my hero, Kyle. Did I tell you that already?"

"Several times," Kyle replied, rolling his eyes. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

With Kyle's help, Stan stumbled to his feet, swaying like a tree caught in a gentle breeze. As they navigated the short distance to Stan's bedroom, laughter and mumbled gratitude filled the air.

Once in bed, Stan looked up at Kyle with bleary eyes. "Gnnn luvv uu"

Kyle smiled, a mix of fondness and exasperation. "Yeah, yeah. Now get some sleep, Stan."

As Kyle turned off the lights and closed the door, he couldn't help but shake his head at the unexpected turn of events. Taking care of a drunken Stan was not how he had planned to spend his night, but amidst the laughter and chaos, there was a warmth – the kind that comes from caring for a friend, even in the messiest of situations.

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