jealous.. 💔

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The cafeteria buzzed with energy as Kyle watched Stan and Wendy, their laughter like a distant echo that only intensified the solitude he felt. He tried to focus on his lunch, but each stolen glance at their shared smiles left a bitter taste.

It wasn't the first time Kyle had felt the sting of jealousy, but this time, it cut deeper. He realized that Stan's relationship with Wendy was changing the dynamics of their friendship, and Kyle found himself on the outside looking in.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, Kyle lingered behind, clutching his tray. He watched Stan and Wendy walk away together, their connection leaving him feeling like an observer in his own life.

That night, in the dim glow of his room, Kyle grappled with unspoken words and suppressed emotions. He questioned whether revealing his feelings would jeopardize the friendship he cherished so much. The fear of losing Stan held him captive, and the weight of unexpressed emotions settled in the silence of his solitude.

Days turned into weeks, and Kyle continued to play the role of the supportive friend, masking the ache that lingered beneath the surface. He watched Stan and Wendy grow closer, their connection weaving a tapestry that excluded him. Each shared smile between them felt like a whispered reminder of Kyle's unspoken desires.

One evening, as the trio sat together, Kyle found himself lost in the cadence of their conversation. He wanted to speak up, to express the turmoil within, but the words remained trapped. Every attempt to voice his feelings ended in a stifled silence, a self-imposed censorship that left him more isolated than ever.

As Stan and Wendy laughed, Kyle excused himself under the guise of needing to study. He retreated to the solitude of his room, the weight of unspoken confessions sinking in. The walls of his room bore witness to the silent struggle, as Kyle wrestled with emotions that remained locked away.

In the echo of his own thoughts, Kyle wondered if keeping his feelings hidden was a form of self-preservation or self-sabotage. The answer eluded him, lost in the quiet agony of unshared sentiments.

The days stretched on, and Kyle continued to play the role of the supportive friend, a spectator in a narrative that seemed to be slipping away. The unspoken remained unsaid, and in the silence, Kyle grappled with the loneliness of a heart that carried the weight of unexpressed love.

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