Issue 7: The Kidnapping

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Scott and Issac returned to their apartment to discover Mandy waiting for them.

Mandy: I'm guessing you got beaten to the punch.

Her voice was monotone. No emotion. Mandy did not even bother looking at the two.

Issac: We just happened to be nearby.

Scott:(facepalms) "We"?!

Issac: Shit! I mean I... Ah, screw it. Yeah, we went to get the data back.

Issac: But on the bright side, the Interloper is captured.

Mandy: What about Emma?

Issac: What about her?

Mandy: Do you not care that she...

Issac: I stopped caring about her, the moment we learned was just using me.

Scott: Good thing you two weren't all that serious.


Issac: Let's just look on the bright side. We got the Interloper-

Mandy: Yes, I know. You already said that, and I did see the news.

Mandy: I've already made arrangements to be able to dissect the thing.

Scott: How'd you manage that?

Mandy: I told the police it was one of Boom-Boom Wizards' schemes to get back at Emma's mother.

Mandy: They told me I could help.

Scott: And me?

Mandy: I didn't want you to whine, so of course you'll come with me.

Mandy: Tomorrow we start at eight am.

Mandy: So I'm going to go to sleep. Now.

Getting up, she heads towards her room.

Issac: Mandy, are you okay?

Mandy: Better than Emma. She burned to a crisp.



Scott: She might be angry.

Issac: At me or in general?

Scott: Hmm, I need to think about that- Ugh, great.

Issac: What?

Scott: Blood is on the carpet...

Scott: Mandy's nose bleeding issue is officially on my nerves.


Issac: I'm tired too. I'm going to hit the hay.

Going to bed, Issac finds Alive lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.



Issac:.... Are we... Gonna have a problem?

Alive: What appeal does this soft block have? It's where you are forced to waste half of your life.

Issac: I always imagined these two getting a robot butler. Never did I think it would be so philosophical.

Alive: You are a turd.

Issac: Get off my bed and go play with Plato or something.

Alive: Aren't you a hero? Shouldn't you be patrolling the city for crime?

Issac: Do I look like a cop? If there's something big, I'll lend a hand.

Issac: But I'm not going to do their job for them.

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