Issue 11: Vigilliance Vs Velocotross

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Ruby Knight and Exo-Woman saw the cultist run out followed by their hero allies, minus Grim.



Ruby Knight: What happened?

G-Zero: Turns out the weapon was some guy. But Grim buried them alive.

J-Dusa:(looks at the ground)

Exo-Woman: Is the weapon neutralized?

C.J: It was trapped in a fragile coffin. This should definitely be enough-

J-Dusa: Look out!

Shoving Issac away, J-Dusa saved him and herself from Velocotross who phased out from the ground.


Velocotross:(turns to J-Dusa) Do you wish to attempt to stop me?

G-Zero: I do!


Evading Issac's punch, Velocotross repositioned J-Dusa to be in front of the attack.



To prevent himself from hitting J-Dusa, Issac increased his gravity so much that he lost all his momentum.

Velocotross: Hmm... Impressive reaction time.


Struck several times in less than a second, Issac was knocked away. Velocotross then picked up J-Dusa and threw her on top of Issac.


Exo-Woman increased the size of her arm, to reach and grab Velocotross. But as night became day, she extended a finger to find them not in her grasp.


Running into her several times, Velocotross tried to knock out Exo, but she was too dense to harm, however, she was too slow to hit him.

Exo-Woman: Leave this planet be! It doesn't deserve your wrath!

Velocotross: Fool.

Slamming his head into hers, Velocotross glares straight into her eyes.

Velocotross: I have no wrath. Only the desire to see true perfection.

Velocotross: And out of mercy. I'll allow everyone else to witness it.

Exo-Wonan: I won't allow you!

She tries to grab them, but the speedster phases through her.

Velocotross: Your strength is useless if you cannot land a hit.

Cobalt Jack and Alfa rush toward Velocotross, however, he simply uses his speed to shift them into a position where they smash into each other.

Velocotross: It is hopeless.

Ruby Knight: Now hold on just a second... I'd like to throw my hat in the ring.

Velocotross: Very well. Get it all out of your-

Ruby Knight's foot managed to get an inch away from Velocotross's face before they noticed. To the two, everything seemed to stand still beside them. Velocotross was still faster, but Ruby Knight seemed to be only slightly slower.

Velocotross:(mind) Amazing... Is this speed coming from technology alone?

Velocotross:(mind) It till however to-


From his gauntlets, Ruby Knight fired two widespread beams of Photon Blond energy, boxing Velocotross as he got closer to strike.

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