Chapter 3 - Stormy Waters

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A couple of hours later, at the hospital:

(Well, I feel fine now; time to go, I guess.)

Satyo thought after having rested on the hospital's bed for some time, now unable to bear the boredom anymore.

He slowly stood up, feeling slightly dizzy, and went to the door.

The room was completely quiet: not a single noise was heard, except the one of his own footsteps; it was eerie, yet also weirdly relaxing to feel so isolated and unguarded.

As he reached the door, however, he began hearing sounds coming from the hallway: numerous voices that seemed to be shouting in a hurry boomed in the far distance.

(What's that?)

He wondered, trying to discern the individual people who were shouting and yelling.

One of them stood out from the others, instantly turning on a light bulb in his head.


 His heart rate increased as he recognized his voice, yelling undiscernible words; as far as he knew, it could have just been a medical emergency, but he raised his guard anyway, carefully opening the door and closely looking at his surroundings.

The noise came from the right side of the hallway, so Satyo headed there without hesitation; as he walked, Metzek's voice got louder and clearer, making him finally understand what all the hurry was for.

"Go tell the soldiers! Run, for fuck's sake!"

His shout left Satyo with worry and fear, as he quickly walked towards the end of the hallway, turning left at an intersection and finally finding himself before the event.

(Shit. What the... fuck?)

He thought, his heart beating uncontrollably, as he saw Metzek standing in a guarding stance with a karambit knife in his hand, a few other medics standing nearby, frozen in terror.

The scary sight, though, were the countless figures that stood in front of him: they wore black robes and masks, and held long knives in their hands.

"Metzek! The fuck's happening here?!" Satyo yelled at him.

"Oh, Satyo! Run, I'll hold them: you go tell the soldiers, quick!" Metzek replied without hesitation, as the figures slowly got closer to him, forcing him to back away towards Satyo's direction.

"I'll be back in an instant!" 

Satyo promptly replied before running away to the hospital's exit in a hurry; regardless of its labyrinthic design, he was still able to quickly get out, but the situation wasn't any better outside.


- He felt a sudden blow to his chest, shocked by the terrifying sight of the outside. - 

(Keep calm, no use getting scared now.) He tried to calm himself down as panic was about to overtake him.

The square and nearby streets were full of assassins, the same ones that had appeared earlier: there weren't any more than just a few soldiers there, but the figures were luckily severely lacking in combat capabilities; every soldier was surrounded by a minimum of 20 assassins which slowly crept towards them, ready to stab them to death.

Satzell - Volume 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora