pt 1; the "fun" one 💛

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"cmon let's take you and bow bow to the park and get some ice cream"
~ gustav shäfer

toms pov;
i woke up to kalen snuggling against my back, weird i could swear i fell asleep on my own and she was asleep in her bed, anyway i got up carefully without waking her and got ready for the day i showered and brushed my teeth before changing into some brands and a shirt before putting my beanie and cap on, when i walked back into my room i saw kalen awake just laid looking at her teddy pacifier in her mouth and blanket up against her face.

"morning baby" "morning papa" she said in a slow voice "so should we go and get your breakfast done?" i asked her "yeah okay" she said sitting up "cmon then" i said reaching my hand for her to grab but she put her arms up to me for me to pick her up which is really weird considering that she normally likes to walk since she thinks that makes her a big girl, i shrugged it off and picked her up taking her downstairs seeing bill stood at the stove making pancakes since he stayed the night.

"morning bill" i said putting kalen in her high chair, "mornin' tom" he turned around and put a pancake and some strawberry milk in a cup on kalens tray and grabbed two more plates with pancakes and fruit putting them infront of us and grabbing his coffee and pouring some into a cup and handing it to me, "morning kalen how was your dreams last night?" he said sitting down and kissing the top of her head, "she smiled picking up her cup "they were good, papa i want my boc boc" me and bill instantly looked at eachother she hates drinking out of a bottle, "papa my boc boc" she said again i looked at her "but k you never use a bottle anymore, only when your sick or it's bedtime, so why do you want it now?" i asked her, "i just want it papa" she said and i again shrugged it off and grabbed her cup, switching it to her bottle, she smiled and had a drink before putting it down and eating her breakfast.

once we was done with breakfast i took kalen upstairs and got her ready for the day, i made sure to put her in something comfy since today was just a rehersal for us since there's another tour coming up,


i tied her heart up into a ponytail and we went downstairs to go to my car, i grabbed her nappy bag and her blanket and pacifier as she grabbed her bottle, i started walking out the door but i stopped when i noticed kalens little legs wasn't following behind me i turned around and saw her stood zoning out "k baby cmon" i said she looked at me "carry me please papa" i picked her up before she took her blanket and pacifier out of my hands putting her pacifier in her mouth, she laid her head on my shoulder and once i buckled her into her car seat she laid her head against it and closed her eyes, at every stop i made at every traffic light i looked at her through the mirror and watched her just lay there with her eyes closed holding bills hand who was sat infront of her.

we got to the studio and normally she jumps out the car to the G's but she didn't she stood by my side holding my hand, she wouldn't let go all day she didn't leave my side when we was rehearsing i had to sit near the sofa or she would be sat next to the chair legs on the floor or infront of me.

now i was getting suspicious she wouldn't leave my side, she barely ate breakfast or lunch she kept laying her head against things and closing her eyes she barely walked she wanted me to carry her she wanted her bottle she barely even spoke today i was starting to worry really bad for her.

"k baby i'm going to the toilet" i said so she could stop laying her head on my legs "no dada stay" she said looking at me "i'll be 5 minutes okay?" i said "no"
"k" "no" "baby" "no dada" right something's definitely wrong she never calls me dada because that's my serious  name as she says, "princess cmon" "dada i said no pwease stay with me" she said "kalen i'm going to the bathroom" i said getting up and that was it she was screaming crying begging me to stay i could feel my heart break watching her get so upset about me not being with her gustav picked her up, "hey kalen cmon let's take you and bow bow to the park and get some ice cream" gustav said as i quickly ran away to the bathroom when i got back i saw kalen laid on the floor crying her little heart out and a stressed out gustav bill and georg watching her, i picked her up "hey baby i'm back cmon you can sit with daddy and watch him play guitar" i said i sat down with her on my lap and got my guitar "papa moon?" she asked she wanted us to play monsoon she loved that song partly because it was what bull sang to her and i used to play it on the guitar to get her to sleep.
we played the song and she immediately fell asleep.

i left early that day with my sick daughter because when she fell asleep when i went to lay her on the sofa i could feel her body over heating so as she slept with her blocked nose i undressed her a little to give her some air to cool down, an hour later i went to check on her and she hadn't cooled at all so i decided to take her him, i took her home and gave her a cold bath which she didn't like and put her into some pjamas and laid her in my bed with a bottle her blanket and pacifier i put a disney film on and got her to blow her nose, i gave her some medicine and she laid down i got changed and tied my dreads into a bun and laid down next to her as she cuddled into my chest i pulled her close rubbing her back feeling the heat still radiating off her little body and she fell asleep i made a quick mental note to call the doctor in the morning and ask if i should bring her in and fell to sleep making sure the sick bucket was still on the floor near to where kalen was asleep.

chapter 2 ✅

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