pt 2; the "left" one 🧡

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"i knew it i knew you wouldn't keep her you should have just gave her to me when you had the chance"
~lily baker

toms pov:
for the past week i've been communicating with a social worker assigned to kalen, miss thomas she's 38 and has been a wonderful help with all this situation.

"so yeah you just need to get kalens mom to sign and then we can go ahead and find her a new home with some foster parents" miss thomas said down the phone i nodded
"and you promise me that this foster family will still let me see her and talk to her and we can still have our days out, they will look after her and care for her?" i asked she replied with a yes and i closed my eyes and sighed out of relief, we ended the phone and i messaged lily to come over, she replied with a thumb emoji and i left it,

i heard the little footsteps of my three year old and turned around, "you all ready for your day out with nanny and grandpa?" i asked her as she handed me her coat to help her put it on, she nodded and smiled and so did i, i put her coat on and my mom walked through the door, "so bill has calmed down now but id leave him another day or so before talking to him again" she said walking through the door and into the kitchen towards us, "oh my sweet granbaby, you ready for the arcades?" she asked and kalen just smiled and nodded, "okay let's go go to grandpa he's waiting in the car" she said and kalen pulled my hand and i picked her up she gave me one of her bear hugs and kissed my cheek i smiled and kissed her head and put her down and she ran out to my step dad, "your doing the right thing tom if this feels right to you baby." she said kissing my head and walking out of the house, i nodded and closed my eyes.

i sat at the table and waited for lily to show up when eventually she did, she walked in and shouted my name,

"tom!" "in the kitchen" i heard her sigh and walk towards me in the kitchen she took her coat off and put it on the back of her chair and sighed, "so what did you want?, where's kalen?" "cut the shit your not seeing her i asked my mom to come and take her for the day so i could get things sorted, i just need your signature and then you can leave to whatever corner your working today k?" i asked her and she looked at me gone out, "why the hell do you need my signature tom? what are you up to?" she asked curiously, i looked at her and looked down i handed her the papers and she started to read threw them pulling all types of faces, when she finished reading through the papers she sighed, "so your getting rid of kalen? giving her to some foster parents? but i still have to make sure it's okay with you if i get to see her or not what sort of bullshit it this tom?" she asked, "look it's not a permanent thing just for a bit so i can get things around me and in my life sorted and it's a good thing that she can have a normal and healthy home and family life for a bit, i just need you to sign to give her permission" i sighed rubbing my eyes. she nodded "i knew it i knew you wouldn't keep her you should have just gave her to me when you had the chance"she said smugly, i rolled my eyes "well im gonna need a pen!" she said and i looked at her shocked "wait your actually going to sign it?" she nodded, "i know i've done things said things that make me look like i don't give a fuck but god i do love that little girl with my heart and soul, and this right now sounds like the best thing to do maybe we should have done it a lot sooner but who cares this is for her and who knows maybe her being there will help me get clean and this way you get to finish you teen years the way you want and when your 100% ready you can take her back and when she's a bit older you can explain everything to her" i smiled and nodded handing her the pen and she signed it, "thankyou lily" i said and she smiled putting on her coat, she hugged me, "this is for our little girl you make sure they don't hurt my baby!" she said and i nodded hugging her back, "good luck in life tom i wish you the best, i hope the next time we see eachother i'll be out of rehab" i nodded "rooting for you lils" she pulled away and smiled at me before she left, it just took me back to the day kalen was born and we was both completely in love with eachother.

this is the right thing to do.

Hell is our girl // tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now