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Before long, the boys couldn't see the silhouettes in the distance at all. In fact, they could barely see each other.

Chan was still sick, kneeling by the trees and holding his stomach tightly. He saw someone sit next to him and put an arm around him.

"Still don't feel well?" It was the voice of Minghao.

Chan shook his head. "I think it was the water. We all swallowed some water, but I definitely swallowed the most. And now my stomach is protesting."

"The most we can do is wait for it to go away on its own." said Minghao grimly. "I've always said the water here was too polluted for its own good."

Chan nodded and suddenly coughed, blood coming out. But Minghao didn't see the blood. It was too foggy.

He decided not to tell anyone about that. It probably wasn't anything serious. And even if it was, they didn't need to know. He could shoulder the burden by himself. He didn't want anyone to think he was weak.

Minghao sighed and patted Chan on the back before standing and turning to see Junhui. "What are you doing?"

"What? Can't I follow my friend?" asked Junhui, in Chinese.

Minghao frowned. "Why are we speaking Chinese?" he asked, also in his mother tongue.

"Why do you question everything I do? You'll learn very soon that I'm a very unpredictable person." said Junhui. "What's wrong with Chan?"

"Water pollution sickness." said Minghao.

Junhui's face paled. "Is he okay?"

Minghao shrugged. "He says he's okay. I believe him."

"That's not something that should be taken lightly, what if he... you know..."

"Hyung, calm down. I doubt it's that serious. It's just water."

"I guess." sighed Junhui. "Are you okay?"

Minghao frowned. "Of course I am, why do you ask?"

"Well, it's just... after what you saw last night... did I make things awkward?"

"Not at all!" said Minghao quickly. "If anything, you made me want to protect you with my life. There's no shame in what you've suffered, although I wish you hadn't done it. But... what happened with your sister?"

Junhui sighed. "She was one year younger than me. Her name was Jia, and she was the sweetest person ever. We never fought, because we loved each other too much. But one day, two years ago, when me and Jia were home alone, someone broke into our house with a gun. There wasn't enough time to hide. But I was a coward, Minghao. I ran. I ran to save myself, leaving Jia to die. I regret it to this day. I still remember hearing twenty gunshots, and my sister falling to the ground. I still dream about it every night. When my parents came home, I explained everything to them. And ever since then... they've blamed me. But I can see why. I was an idiot. I should have saved her."

"Hyung, don't think like that." said Minghao, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I would have done the same. Who could have predicted something like that? It must have been scary for you. You weren't thinking. And besides, you could have both died."

"But I want to die, Minghao! Ever since then, I've never wanted to live!"

And then, Minghao did something neither of them expected. He wrapped his arms around Junhui.

"There's something that's worth living for, hyung. I just need you to see that."

"Like what?" asked Junhui miserably.

"Like... I don't know, what's something you love?"

Junhui thought about that for a moment, a genuine smile forming on his face.

"Well... I'll keep that a secret, for now."


"What did you do now?!"

Soonyoung sheepishly grinned, rubbing his nape. "I may have fallen into the water..."

"You should be careful." said Seungcheol, as Jeonghan wrapped Soonyoung in large leaves. "You could have drowned or froze to death."

"I know." said Soonyoung. "I can't see the water, okay? I can barely see myself! I wouldn't know who you were if you weren't talking to me!"

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He squinted in the foggy air to see who it was.

"Don't die."

"Jihoon?" questioned Soonyoung, surprised. "You... you touched me."

Jihoon nodded and quickly withdrew his hand, as if he was coming to his senses.

"You didn't have to move. I was just surprised." said Soonyoung. "I thought you didn't trust me."

Jihoon hesitated. "I... hyungs, can I talk with him privately?"

"Of course." said Jeonghan respectfully, backing away with Seungcheol at his heels.

Jihoon sighed. Soonyoung's expression became puzzled.

"I do trust you, Soonyoung. It just took me a while to realize that."

"You... you trust me?" asked Soonyoung, looking up.

Jihoon nodded. "I do. It's been hard for me to trust, since you can never know what someone's up to. But for some reason... I decided to trust you."

"Surely, there's more trustworthy people out there... everyone else on this island is probably more trustworthy than me." said Soonyoung quietly.

"What makes you say that?" asked Jihoon, concerned.

"A lot of things." said Soonyoung. "For one, I'm annoying. Everyone I know has told me that."

"You can be." agreed Jihoon. "But you know what? I think that's what makes you... you."

Soonyoung frowned. "No one's ever said that to me before."

"Well, I like it." said Jihoon. "Your personality is something I aspire to have."

Soonyoung nodded and suddenly burst into tears.

"Oh no, did I say something wrong?" asked Jihoon worriedly.

"No, not at all." sniffed Soonyoung. "I just... I've needed to hear those words for so long..."

Jihoon awkwardly reached out and patted Soonyoung on the back, unsure of what to say.

"Sorry, I made things awkward." choked out Soonyoung. "Why do you stay by me?"

"Kwon Soonyoung, listen." said Jihoon, suddenly grabbing him by the shoulders. "I can't imagine not staying by you. Over the past few days, you've made me feel safer than I've ever felt with anyone. I can't see you betraying me. And I can't see myself betraying you. You are worthy of every good thing in this world. And... I want to give that to you."

Soonyoung gave a watery chuckle. "That sounds like a confession."

Jihoon chuckled too, secretly dying on the inside.

Oh Soonyoung, if only you knew...

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