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No one seemed to know exactly what was wrong with Chan, not even the genius of the group, Wonwoo. The maknae's symptoms only got worse by the day. Three days passed, and he could hardly leave the tent.

On the seventh day, after a few uneventful days, Joshua and Dokyeom were in charge of watching Chan. Joshua had found some clean water and created a makeshift cloth made out of leaves, placing it on Chan's burning forehead.

"Hyungs..." whispered Chan hoarsely after a while. "You don't have to take such good care of me."

"Of course we do. You're so young, you don't deserve to suffer like this." said Dokyeom instantly.

"But I want to suffer." whimpered Chan. "I want to suffer so much that I can go see Eomma and Appa again. I want to feel loved, and I only feel that way with them."

Joshua's heart filled with sadness. He was ready to beat up whoever hurt this kid.

"Channie, we might have only met a week ago." he said gently. "But we love you more than anything. Is there anything we can do to make you feel more loved?"

"Kill me. Let me die."

"We can't do that." said Dokyeom, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Channie."

Chan sighed and closed his eyes. "Then bring my parents back."

"You know that's not possible." said Joshua softly.

"I know." said Chan, his voice cracking. "I just want them back, whatever it takes."

As the maknae drifted into an uneasy sleep, Joshua turned to Dokyeom, the younger of whom was on the verge of tears. "I feel bad for him." he said miserably. "I mean, we all lost our parents, but Chan... he lost all he had."

"I know." said Joshua, putting an arm around Dokyeom. "It's sad."

"I've never had trouble being happy before." said Dokyeom. "I was always able to smile, even in the worst situations. But now... hyung, why can't I smile anymore? Why can't I feel truly happy, like I'm supposed to be?"

"Kyeommie, you're allowed to feel sad sometimes." said Joshua, his heart breaking in two. "You're not, technically speaking, 'supposed to be' happy - of course, I want you to be happy, but... no human can be happy all the time, even the happiest person alive. Every human breaks down sometimes, and that's okay. You should never be ashamed to not be okay - especially not in a situation like this."

Dokyeom sniffled and nodded. "Thank you, hyung."

"No need to thank me." said Joshua, hugging Dokyeom tightly. "I just want you to feel loved."

"I do feel loved." whispered Dokyeom, leaning contentedly against Joshua's chest. "Everyone here makes me feel happier. You and the others are the only reason I hold on. But especially you."

Joshua's heart fluttered. "You're just being nice."

"I'm not." said Dokyeom seriously. "I really mean it. Everything we've done together over the past week... it made me happy."

"I feel the same way." said Joshua, truly smiling for the first time in a long time. "You know, Minghao was right... fate brought us together. Fate found our happiness - each other."

"Then can fate get us out of here?"

Joshua sighed. "I can't promise that. But what I can promise is that no matter what happens, I'm going to make you happy for the rest of my life."

Dokyeom suddenly got to his feet, holding out a hand to Joshua. Joshua took it, confused.

"Hyung, I have something to tell you." said the younger, looking directly into Joshua's eyes. "Maybe it's too soon, but... if Vernon and Seungkwan did it, so can we."

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