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After Seungkwan's sudden panic attack that morning, Vernon stayed by his side, making sure nothing else happened. He wasn't sure why, but he felt a desperate urge to protect this boy, to prevent anything bad from happening to him.

The air started to clear up, but the people in the distance were already long gone. The boys couldn't be sure whether or not they had found the boat, or any sign of life, but they had a pretty good idea.

"This is ridiculous." sighed Seungkwan. "We're all losing our minds here, and the boat is long gone. What's the point of even living?"

"Hey, don't think like that." said Vernon, patting Seungkwan on the shoulder. "Before long, school officials will realize we're not there. They'll track our movements, and when they see that we were on that ship, they'll send someone out to find us. And just like that, we'll all be okay!"

"I've been wondering... do you think we'll stay in touch if we survive this?"

Vernon stayed silent for a good ten seconds, thinking about his answer.

"Well, think of it this way." he said finally. "I can't see us not staying in touch. Because even if we lead totally different lives and don't know each other all that well yet, I believe in what Minghao-hyung said. Fate. It brought us together for a reason. And even if we don't like it, we have to go with it. Whatever happens here is meant to happen."

Seungkwan nodded, biting his lip. "But what if... what if we don't make it?"

Vernon wrapped his arms around Seungkwan from behind. "We will. Trust me."

Seungkwan knew, deep down, that it was impossible to make promises. But somehow, he could believe everything Vernon said.

"Do you think Chan's alright?" he asked suddenly, looking back to the tent.

"Who knows." sighed Vernon. "I wish I had better news, but... I'm scared for him. His condition doesn't look great."

Seungkwan nodded, biting his lip. He'd lost so much already. He couldn't lose anyone else.

"You know..." said Vernon suddenly. "I trusted you from the start. Even when you attacked Dokyeom-hyung, I trusted you."

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't know. That's my point. Why am I so intrigued by you?"

Seungkwan froze. "Is that... supposed to be a good thing?"

"I'm not sure. But you just... I feel like you understand me, more than anyone else ever has."

"This sounds like a Wattpad fanfiction." said Seungkwan, chuckling.

"It doesn't have to be fiction. I'll give you everything you could ever want."

Seungkwan's breath hitched in his throat. "Wh-what?"

"I want you, Boo Seungkwan, flaws and all. Because those things that bother you - your anxiety and your temper - they don't bother me. To me, they make you more perfect."

"But... we're only eleven... aren't we too young?"

Vernon leaned closer, placing his hand on Seungkwan's chest. "Who cares? I'll never leave you, Seungkwan. You can depend on me."

And with that, he closed the gap between them, their lips connecting. Maybe they were young, but that was what made it so amazing to the both of them. It made Seungkwan realize how lucky he truly was. He'd lost it all, but he'd never lose the one thing that he cared about most: Chwe Hansol.

"I'm in love with you, Seungkwan."

"I could say the same for you."

Suddenly, they heard clapping behind them. The others were standing outside of the shelter, Chan being supported by Jeonghan.

"Congrats! Wow, who would've known two couples would fall in love on this island?" asked Soonyoung.

"One question though, isn't this weird?" asked Wonwoo. "No offense, but you're both so young, and we all just met a few days ago. I can understand the case of Seungcheol-hyung and Jeonghan-hyung, but..."

"That's what makes their love so beautiful." said Minghao quietly. "They trust each other enough to know they'll be together for a long, long time. And personally, I think they're made for each other."

Seungkwan smiled. "You really think so?"

"You two are cute." agreed Joshua. "And I'm no expert, but your love is going to last a long time. I can already tell."


"It's only our third day stuck here, and two couples form." sighed Mingyu. "You know, I think I like being here."

"I don't think you understand." said Wonwoo, frowning.

"No, hear me out." said Mingyu. "I feel like I've bonded with everyone here more than ever. One person in particular makes it better, though."

"Don't tell me you're falling in love too." groaned Wonwoo, though a teasing smile formed on his face.

Mingyu merely grinned and looked away.

"Isn't it ironic?" asked Wonwoo, turning to face Mingyu. "It doesn't feel real, the way this is happening... is it really real?"

Mingyu playfully pinched Wonwoo's arm.

"Ow... okay, it's definitely real. But... fate really did bring us together, I guess."

Mingyu smiled. "I guess it did."

"Mingyu, have you ever fallen in love before?"

The sudden question took Mingyu aback. "Well... not really, no. I've tried to love someone, just to fit in, but now I know what real love is."

"And what's that?"

"Real love is a willingness to do anything for someone. You want to spend all your time with them, and you put them before yourself. Real love is... the cure."

Wonwoo smiled. "You're full of surprises, Mingyu. I never expected you to be so wise."

"I'm not wise. I'm just in love."


Who knew water could make a person feel so shitty?

Seungcheol and Jeonghan spent the rest of the afternoon with Chan, the youngest of the group shivering in Jeonghan's lap, red as a tomato. Eventually, he drifted off, leaving the couple alone.

"I've never seen anything like this before." whispered Seungcheol. "How could he get so sick just from water?"

"A number of factors." said Jeonghan, gently stroking Chan's hair. "He's small, skinny, young, stressed, depressed, and scared. The polluted water was only fuel to the fire."

"I feel sorry for him." said Seungcheol. "Who knows what he went through before this?"

"We can't be sure, but I have a feeling it wasn't pleasant." said Jeonghan grimly. "And that's why we need to protect him."

Seungcheol nodded in agreement. "It's sad to know that he's so miserable. And to think he's so young..."

"I know." said Jeonghan sadly. "Channie, I know you can't hear me, but me and Cheol are going to keep you safe. You don't have to worry anymore."

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