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He's right there. All you need to say is three words. It's not that hard.

Oh, but it is.

But what had Chan told him?

What would Chan know about love, though?

Then again, don't you trust him? Do you really think he would lie to you?

The voices in Wonwoo's head had never been louder.

There he stood, arms crossed over his chest, staring at the sea blankly. Even the sight made Wonwoo's heart hurt. How could God make this precious boy suffer so badly?

He took a small step and froze again, cursing his hesitance. This was the perfect opportunity. If he messed this up... but Mingyu was so perfect, so beautiful, and to pass this up would be a crime.

Another step. His feet sunk into the sand, his worn Converse half covered. He took a shaky breath and stepped again, then again, then again. One foot in front of the other.

It was funny, actually. Had it been anyone else, Wonwoo would shy away immediately, no care for the consequences whatsoever. But Mingyu made him want to talk and express himself- something he'd never felt for anyone else before.

Maybe it was wrong to confess so quickly. Maybe he was making a huge mistake. But this mistake might change the course of both of their lives for the better - or for the worse. But even if it was for the worse, maybe it would be for the better in the end. It all depended on fate. A person can't change their fate. Fate had plans set out for everyone- and Wonwoo was about to find his.

Without further thought, he powered through the last few steps, and soon enough, he stood right behind his true love. Mingyu turned around and smiled.

"I was about to come find you, hyung."

"Really?" said Wonwoo, surprised.

Mingyu nodded. "I've been thinking."


"Well... have you ever loved someone so much that spending life without them seemed... wrong?"

"Yes." said Wonwoo breathlessly. "Yes, I have."

"I feel that way for someone here." said Mingyu, averting his gaze. He looked like a lost puppy, and Wonwoo loved him even more in that moment.

"Do you mind telling me who?" asked the elder quietly.

Mingyu sighed. "He's really cute, pretty tall, and his hands seem to align perfectly with mine. He doesn't talk much, but when he does, I love him so much. And even when he doesn't, he's the most beautiful person I've ever seen. His eyes are like the moon, his skin is so soft and smooth... I don't know what I'd do without him."

"Is it Junhui?" asked Wonwoo, clueless.

Mingyu sighed again. "He's standing right in front of me."

"No." said Wonwoo softly, bringing himself the courage to look at Mingyu's red face.

Mingyu nodded. "You're really beautiful... you know, I think our fates are aligned."

"Why does everything revolve around fate here?" asked Wonwoo, slightly amused.

"Because fate is everything." replied Mingyu, smiling. "Fate is the very reason we live."

"Well, I live for you." said Wonwoo.

Mingyu blushed. "Stop... if you keep saying things like that, I'll start to think you might be into me too."

"Who said I'm not?"

Mingyu looked up, shocked. "Wait, what?"

"Are you stupid or something? I love you, even if you're slow sometimes."

Mingyu giggled. "I've never enjoyed being called slow so much. I'd still love you if you kicked me in the face and shot me through the brain."

"You know I love you too much to do either of those things." said Wonwoo, chuckling. "That's flattering, though."

"How much do you love me?" pouted Mingyu playfully.

Wonwoo sighed thoughtfully. "Let's see... I love you more than I love books. And that's saying something."

Mingyu grinned. "I'm honored."

"You should be." said Wonwoo.

"So, why aren't we dating yet?"

"I don't know. You haven't asked."

"I was hoping you would."

Wonwoo blushed. "Fine... wanna date me?"

"I don't see why not." shrugged Mingyu playfully. "Of course I do!"

"There's just one thing... I don't know how to love someone." said Wonwoo awkwardly.

"That's okay! I don't really know either." chuckled Mingyu. "But what I do know is that I'm going to stay with you forever, hyung."

Wonwoo smiled. "You better."


Time seemed to pass by so slowly on that damned island - at least, for Minghao. He sighed and crossed his arms over his knees.

Was this really Fate's plan for him? Sure, it seemed like something out of a Disney movie with a happy ending- but this wasn't a movie, this was reality. And reality sucked.

He wanted to believe in his own words, but it was starting to get hard. Fate had brought many friends and soulmates together - take this island as an example - but everyone shared the same fate eventually, and that was death. Maybe by believing in Fate, he was only bringing his own fate closer.

Fate, fate, fate. Damn fate.

He knew his problem wasn't really that bad- there had been people stranded on islands for years, and he'd only been there eight days. But it still felt like hell. Just a few weeks ago, this had been something he'd only seen in works of fiction and tales on the news. But now, he knew what it was really like, to be stuck here.

The only thing keeping him happy was a certain someone, who happened to be watching sadly from a distance.

Although Junhui couldn't see Minghao's face, he knew the younger was deep in thought, just as he always was. There was something about his thoughtfulness that made Junhui want to show him the perks of the world, if there even were any. For him, there were none, but maybe he could open up a new door for Minghao and show him happiness.

But he needed happiness too. Ever since the incident with his sister, happiness was a foreign concept to him. All the smiles that used to be genuine were now fake and forced. They say everyone goes through hard times at some point, but Junhui had been going through those hard times for years. He was sick of waiting for true happiness.

But maybe, if he wanted true happiness, he had to get it himself. The key was right in front of him; now was his chance.

He took a deep breath. "Hey, Hao."

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