Chapter 7: Regret

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Claude de Alger Obelia, the enigmatic and powerful figurehead of the Obelia family, had finally completed the intricate and clandestine task he had been working on for the past three months. The girl he had publicly recognized as his "daughter" was, in fact, his niece, and her existence as a chimera added a layer of complexity and secrecy to their family's affairs.

As he leaned back in his chair, his fingers running through his perfectly coiffed blonde hair, Claude couldn't shake the feeling that something crucial still eluded him. There was a missing piece of the puzzle, and it gnawed at him like an unrelenting headache.

In the midst of his contemplation, Claude was interrupted by Felix Robane, a loyal red-haired knight who served him with unwavering devotion. The title "Your Majesty" spoke volumes about Claude's stature and influence in the world. He turned his attention to Felix, his piercing blue eyes locking onto the knight.

"Yes, Felix?" Claude inquired, his voice measured and composed, revealing none of the frustration that brewed within him.

Felix spoke carefully, aware of the weight of the information he carried. "Your Majesty, if.. I may,"

"Speak," He simply said.

"Have you forgotten about Princess Athanasia..?" Claude jerked painfully.




Claude's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and realization as Felix uttered the name that had long been buried in the depths of his memory—Athanasia. The very mention of his real daughter's name sent a wave of guilt and sorrow crashing over him like a tidal wave.

"Athanasia," he repeated in a hushed tone, the name tasting both foreign and familiar on his lips. He had indeed forgotten about his own flesh and blood, his own daughter. How had he allowed himself to wallow in self despair and self pity that he had forgotten and neglected his only child?

Felix watched the emperor closely, concern etched on his features. He knew that this revelation weighed heavily on Claude, a man who had always been calculating and composed.

"Sire, perhaps it's not too late to seek out Princess Athanasia and make amends," Felix suggested cautiously.

Claude closed his eyes, grappling with the tangled emotions that surged within him. Regret and shame washed over him like a relentless tide. He had lost precious time with his daughter, and he could never get those years back. The last time he had met her was when she was nine, and he barely even acknowledged her at the time. It had been thirteen almost fourteen years since then.

"You are right, Felix," Claude admitted, his voice carrying the weight of his remorse. "Let's go to the.. Ruby Palace at once,"

Felix saluted, "Yes, Your Majesty,"

Claude's decision to act swiftly was driven by an overwhelming need to right his past wrongs. He had allowed Athanasia to remain distant and forgotten for far too long, and now he couldn't bear the weight of his negligence any longer.

As he and Felix made preparations to depart for the Ruby Palace, Claude's mind raced with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. What would Athanasia's reaction be to his sudden appearance in her life? Would she resent him for his long absence? These questions gnawed at him, but he knew that he had to face them head-on.

She was twenty two, almost twenty three. She had every right to resent him for all of this.

The journey to the Ruby Palace was swift, thanks to the closeness of the old Concubines Palace to the Emperor Palace. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by the lack of grandeur of the palace, it pierced him through the heart as they ventured deeper into the palace, Claude's heart grew heavier with every step.

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