Chapter 8: Eleven

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Life on Earth had become somewhat normal for Harry since his return. The Dursley couple had decided not to send him back to therapy, opting instead to address his needs and concerns as a family. Harry appreciated their newfound understanding.

However, there were still challenges to overcome. The Dursleys were hesitant to send him to school for a few reasons. First, Harry had been absent from the Earth's education system for years. To determine his level of knowledge and understanding, he had to take various placement exams. It was no surprise to anyone that Harry's test results placed him two years ahead of his age group, after all he was Lily Potter's son, the brightest witch of her age.

Second, there were issues with his legal documents. While they did have his birth certificate, it was outdated. In order to establish his identity on Earth, they had to go through a considerable amount of paperwork and bureaucratic hassle to register him properly. While yes, he was missing, he was misplaced to a different caretaker as well.

But there was one issue that still weighed on Harry's mind—the issue of his eyes. At the Mage Tower, Harry had learned to create an illusion that concealed his unique blue-green jeweled eyes. He took great pride in his heritage that he got through the blood adoption, but he didn't want to attract unwanted attention from strangers on Earth. He'd heard stories from the television about how people could react to things they didn't understand. The last thing he wanted was for people to think his mother had been involved in some sort of experimentation cult.

So, for the time being, Harry continued to veil his eyes with illusions, blending in with the mundane world around him. As he waited for his Hogwarts letter to arrive, he knew that he had to adapt to his new life and navigate its challenges. Harry was determined to make the best of his situation, even if it meant hiding a part of himself for a while.

Normal schooling... was a rather unique experience altogether. He was the eye candy of almost everyone. People both of the same sex and opposite gender had been flocking him for his attention. Dudley laughed at his cousin's predicament.

At eleven years old, Harry's appearance had transformed significantly since his return to the Dursleys' home. His once unruly black hair, which had grown untamed during his time at the Mage Tower, was now neatly combed, thanks to Aunt Petunia's insistent haircuts, but there would be times that his hair would still be untamed. His blue green jeweled eyes, though concealed by a veil of illusion making it look like it is his original emerald green eyes, still retained their piercing, almost magical quality. It would slightly glow when his emotions are intense.

Harry's small, thin frame had matured slightly, hinting at the adolescent growth spurts that would come in the following years. His school uniform, composed of an ill-fitting jacket, oversized trousers, and an unremarkable tie, made him look even smaller and more out of place. Despite the awkwardness of the attire, he wore it with the solemnity of someone who had learned to adapt to life's peculiarities. The faded spectacles he always wore added more charm to his features. On his forehead, the lightning bolt scar from his infancy was still a striking feature.

There was also the fact that he was raised by an Imperial Princess, no matter how neglected they were, he was still raised as a prince. There was also the fact that Petunia made him aware of the Wizarding Nobility, Harry already got that covered so he didn't need to worry except for the Wizarding Laws.

"How did it go?" Dudley asked him once during lunch time, since Harry was accelerated by two years, he was with people two years older than them.

"They're stupid," He bluntly replied. The two cousins are sitting on the corner, whilst everyone else has been giving Harry glances.

Dudley chuckled, the sound rumbling in his throat. "Well, no surprise there. You are the clever one, Harry, probably the smartest of the entire school. They probably can't keep up with you."

Harry's response was a small smile, a sign of camaraderie that had developed between the two cousins over the past months he had been with the family. Harry appreciated Dudley's presence, regardless of the first few awkward conversations between them during the first week he had arrived in Privet Drive.

Their lunch continued in relative peace, a moment of calm in the bustling school cafeteria. Students moved about, chatting and laughing, but Harry and Dudley remained in their corner, quietly eating their lunches that Petunia prepared.

Harry's heart ached as the day of his eleventh birthday drew closer, a poignant reminder that he would be celebrating it without the presence of his dear Mama Athanasia and the nurturing Lilian York, who had both played such significant roles in his life. The pain of their absence weighed heavily on his young heart, and he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss.

As he received his letter from Hogwarts, a mixture of anticipation and sorrow washed over him. He knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter in his life, one filled with magic and wonder, but it also marked the first of many milestones he would experience without his beloved guardians.

In the Dursley household's living room, there was a subdued atmosphere as Harry read the letter, surrounded by Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Dudley. They watched him with a mix of curiosity and indifference, their reactions reflecting their limited understanding of the magical world. He took a deep breath and opened the letter, and read it outloud;

Dear Mr. H.J Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Petunia's face somewhat soured yet softened, "I remember her, she was the woman who brought your mother's, Lily, letter when hers came. She was the one who had toured our family to see their shopping district, she is also your parents' Head of House,"

She stood up and glanced at her nephew, "I'll go get Lily's old parchment and quill and ink so you could send a reply, you should as for a House Head to tour you,"

"Thank you, Aunt Petunia," She smiled softly at him and left the room. It had taken a while for her to come back with the said supplies for him to write a reply. He was thankful that he was taught how to write using a quill, else his handwriting would be illegible.

To Deputy Headmistress McGonagalll,

I am pleased to tell you that I accept this invitation to attend the school both of my parents had attended when they were young.

Please send someone to take me to buy my school materials at your convenience.


Harry James Potter

Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter

Son of the Forgotten Princess | hp x lpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora