Chapter 9: Diagon Alley and First Mate

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Petunia stared at the man in front of her with a scowl. She hates this man, not only had he taken Lily away from her; but he had also led her sister and her husband to their deaths.

"Hello, Petunia," The dour man in front of her drawled.

"Severus," She sneered.

Snape's black eyes bore into hers, his expression as cold as ever. "I see you haven't changed," he remarked, his voice carrying an air of indifference.

"And I see you're still the same greasy-haired, dark wizard," Petunia retorted, her tone dripping with disdain.

They stood face to face in the dimly lit room, two individuals who shared a connection to Lily Potter but little else. The animosity between them was palpable, a reminder of the years of rivalry and the stark differences that had separated them. Snape had been a part of the magical world that had whisked Lily away, while Petunia had been left behind to grapple with her own ordinary life.

"You are to bring back my nephew safe and sound, you hear me?" She snarled at him as she leveled him with a glare, "And he better not be uncomfortable during the time he spent with you or else!"

Severus sneered at her, "Spoiling the boy now, are we Tuney?"

Petunia clicked her tongue, "Harry has recently come back to us months ago. He is still mourning,"

He raised an eyebrow as Petunia let him inside the house, "The Wizarding World is very much aware of the boy's disappearance, so it was a shock amongst the staff when his reply came. Now tell me, what do you mean by he's still mourning?"

"That is up to my nephew to decide," She curtly answered as she led him upstairs.

Snape followed Petunia up the narrow staircase, his black robes trailing behind him. The house was eerily quiet, the atmosphere heavy with the unspoken tensions that lingered between them. As they reached the door to Harry's room, Petunia hesitated for a moment, her hand resting on the doorknob.

"Remember what I said, Severus," she warned, her voice softer but no less intense. "He's been through enough, and I won't have him dragged into any more of your world's troubles."

Snape's expression remained impassive, but he gave a curt nod of acknowledgment. "I understand, Petunia. I'll do my best to ensure his safety and well-being during his time in our world,"

With that, Petunia pushed the door open, revealing Harry's room. The boy was sitting at a small desk, a pile of books and parchment before him. His black hair was still somewhat unruly, his green eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses.

Harry looked up as they entered, surprise and wariness evident in his eyes. He had heard every word of their conversation. Of course he has, he has put wards and runes around the house to protect everyone living in it, "Aunt Petunia, who is this?"

Petunia hesitated for a moment before introducing the man. "This is Severus Snape, Harry. He's here to be your guide in the Diagon Alley, he's also the Head of House of Slytherin."

Harry studied Snape with a mixture of curiosity and caution. He said nothing, but he did put his quill down, he had been studying.. Or rather reevaluating his steps once he entered the Wizarding World.

Snape couldn't help but feel a pang of unease as Harry's gaze, so reminiscent of Lily's, locked onto him. He quickly averted his eyes, unable to bear the weight of the memories and emotions that surged within him. Though he had agreed to guide Harry, there were things he wasn't ready to confront.

Harry's question pulled him from his thoughts. "Do I need to bring anything?" the young wizard asked.

Snape cleared his throat, his voice more composed now. "No, Mr. Potter, we will be going to Gringotts first and furthermost. Then, I'll assist you with that. It's best to wear your regular clothes for now. You'll be shopping for your school robes and other essentials in Diagon Alley."

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