Chapter 10: Diagon with the Dragon Star

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Draco looked at him with wide eyes, examining his face, "You're just pulling my leg, aren't you?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at his first mate, not saying a word. Draco looked at Snape, and the man just nodded that; yes, he is Harry Potter. Draco, with all of his pureblood etiquette, had his jaw dropped, "No way!"

Harry laughed, "Yes way,"

"How in the fu—" He was about to start, when Snape sharply admonished him, "Draco! Language!"

"I apologize," He drawled, he turned his attention back to Harry, "But how? You have been missing for many years!"

"I was safe," He shrugged. Draco narrowed his eyes at him. As if the blonde was dissecting him with his eyes. Was his disappearance at 18 months old that big of a deal?

Draco looked at Snape, "Can Harry and I look around? Like to buy our owls and among other things?"

Snake raised an eyebrow at him, "I'm afraid that I will still follow you two around. But you are free to have time for yourselves,"

Draco and Snape seem to have a staring contest that he doesn't understand. Was this a game the wixens of this world does? Weird.

But before Harry could interrupt their staring contest, Madam Malkin said, "That's you done, my dear," and Harry, who just wants to look at the owls before the books, hopped down from the footstool.

"Shall we go?" He asked the two after paying for his robes. The two looked at him funny.

But they all went back to the Eeylops Owl Emporium to buy Harry and Draco's owls. The emporium was not that overwhelming in Harry's opinion. Snape was explaining to him that owls are either used as a familiar or a companion or a messenger. But seriously? Messenger owls? Then it dawned on him in horror that they don't have communication stones like they do back in the Mage Tower.

This is a travesty. He has all the stones he needs because his teachers had told him to stock up on those. There was also his new invention; it was similar to the mobile phones but made out of communication and electrical stones. So technically he could only use his magic to charge it.

But having an owl sounds cool and authentic as well.

"See an owl you like?" Draco went next to him. And he likes it, his magic settled down a lot since meeting and recognizing his first mate.

"Not yet," He hummed as he looked around with interest, "Do you get taught on how to tell which owl is perfect for you?"

"No," Draco shook his head, "Usually, we really just buy them, or they are given as a gift. It's rare for an owl or animal to choose their partner,"

"Wait, really?" He looked at the beautiful blonde next to him.

He nodded, "Yes," then sighed, "I will help you get books about that when we get to Flourish and Blotts,"

Flourish and Blotts? Must be the wixen bookstore. He and Draco looked around, trying to see if anything catches their fancy

The surprise of the sudden screeches and commotion in the Eeylops Owl Emporium was enough to send Harry's heart racing. He instinctively moved to protect Draco, taking a defensive stance. The immediate response of his magical senses had him ready to use magic if it was necessary to protect them. However, what unfolded was something entirely unexpected.

Two owls, one snowy and the other brown, were darting through the emporium, heading straight for them. Harry instinctively pulled Draco behind him, his hand reaching for his wand, but the owls veered off course at the last moment. Instead of attacking, they came to a graceful stop and perched on the shoulders of Harry and Draco.

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