Chapter 12: Lord Arcturus Black III

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Harry and his maternal family were all gathered in the living room, a sense of tension in the air, as they awaited the words of Arcturus Black III. It was an otherwise pleasant day; Harry's invention was making waves in the market, and he had been discussing it with his Uncle. Their conversations had been filled with excitement and possibilities until this unexpected visitor arrived.

Arcturus Black III was a man in his 90s, his features lined with the wisdom of many years. He had introduced himself as the Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, a name that sent shivers down Harry's spine. He knew from his extensive reading that the House of Black was one of the oldest and most respected pure-blood wizarding families. What could bring the head of such a prestigious house to a humble muggle neighborhood?

As the elderly wizard took a seat, Harry's maternal relatives watched him closely, curiosity mixed with a hint of apprehension. The room fell into a heavy silence, each second feeling longer than the last. Arcturus Black III finally spoke, his voice filled with gravitas.

"Heir Potter-Black," he began, addressing Harry formally. "I have come here today on one matter alone, and that is meeting you, who was the blood adopted son of my grandson and heir."

Harry exchanged a quick glance with his maternal family. The mention of his "Potter-Black" heritage was a revelation. While he was very well aware of the Potter name, as it is his biological name, the inclusion of "Black" was new to him. And blood adoption? Oh heavens, the logistics about that fact.

He has two biological parents and two blood adopted parents. He looked at the aged man in front of him, unsure of what to say. But he gathered his courage and spoke, "Why did Lord Black want to meet me?"

Lord Black chuckled, "Nothing but a whim of an old man. I am getting old, child. My heir and your godfather is in jail, I can't even get him out,"

That made Harry frown, "Why is that?"

"This war made the House of Black lose its prestige," Lord Black bitterly chuckled as the Dursleys then excused themselves as seeing this was a wizarding matter.

Harry was intrigued by Lord Black's candid response. The elderly wizard's acknowledgment of his own age and the challenges his family had faced in the wake of the war piqued Harry's interest. As his maternal family excused themselves from the conversation, leaving the room for privacy, Harry focused his attention on Lord Black.

"Why is my godfather in jail, Lord Black?" Harry inquired, his curiosity overshadowing any nervousness he may have felt.

Arcturus Black III sighed deeply, and the weight of many years seemed to press upon his shoulders. "Sirius Black, your godfather, was unjustly accused of betraying the Potters and aiding You-Know-Who. He spent twelve years in Azkaban before escaping a few years ago. I've been trying to secure his release, but it's proven to be a difficult task. The Ministry's stance on this matter has been stubborn."

Harry couldn't hide his shock and anger at the revelation. The idea that his godfather had suffered such an injustice weighed heavily on him. A flash of his Mama's, Athanasia de Alger Obelia, face flashed in his mind, and all the injustice she had faced because she was the "forgotten daughter". If there's one thing he hates the most, it's injustice. He clenched his fists, his voice laced with determination. "I want to help him. I can't stand the thought of him being wrongly imprisoned. I will ask the goblins if my parents left a will,"

Lord Black's eyes softened as he regarded Harry. "Your loyalty to your godfather does you credit, Heir Potter-Black. I have been considering a proposition that may be of interest to you, but it is a matter we can discuss further at another time. For now, I want to meet you and gauge your character."

Harry nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude that Lord Black had come to him. "Thank you for reaching out, Lord Black. I look forward to our further discussions."

As the conversation shifted toward lighter topics and a bit of family history, Harry couldn't help but ponder the unexpected twists his life had taken. He was also told of his status as the Boy Who Lived, which made him upset. His parents were taken from him in one night and people are rejoicing? From what he could tell, his mum sacrificed her life to shield him from the Killing Curse.

"Can I visit you on Yule holidays?" Harry asked his Great Grand Uncle. It was established for him to call him that since his great grandmother, Dorea Potter née Black, was his cousin.

"You are welcome to visit me anytime,"

Harry's conversation with Lord Black had left him with a whirlwind of emotions. The revelation of his godfather's wrongful imprisonment, coupled with the knowledge of his unique heritage and his parents' sacrifice, weighed heavily on him. The prospect of being the "Boy Who Lived" didn't sit well with him, and it only fueled his determination to clear Sirius Black's name.

As Harry chatted with Draco on the phone, the shock in his friend's voice was evident. "Yes, he did," Harry replied. "It was quite unexpected. He's an old man, and he mentioned wanting to meet me because of the blood adoption. But the real surprise was learning about my godfather's situation."

Draco's voice was filled with concern. "Do you think you can help him, Harry? Clear his name and get him out of Azkaban?"

"I'll certainly try," Harry said resolutely. "I'm determined to get to the bottom of this and see what I can do. And, Draco, there's more. Lord Black mentioned a proposition he wants to discuss with me later. It seems there's a lot happening in the wizarding world that I never knew about."

Draco's curiosity was piqued. "A proposition? That's intriguing. I wonder what he wants with you."

Harry shrugged, even though Draco couldn't see him. "I have no idea, but it's certainly been an eventful day. I also asked if I could visit him during the Yule holidays, and he agreed."

"That's great, Harry," Draco replied. "Just be careful, and remember, you have friends who support you."

"I know, Draco," Harry said with gratitude. "And I appreciate that more than you can imagine. We'll figure this out together."

As Harry hung up the phone, he couldn't help but feel a sense of determination and anticipation. He was ready to face whatever to make his parents proud. He looked out of the window and stared at the moon.

He will learn everything he can in this world. But he would also find a way to copy the spell the magicians in the Tower used to bring him here, so he could visit his Mama's grave.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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