Chapter 4

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There was once a little, sweet, kind girl who lived with her parents. One day, the father left for Africa, leaving the little girl to live with her mother.

For the woman, her daughter was never good in whatever she did. She could sing better. Dance better. Play any musical instrument better. Behave better. The woman even had a problem with the little girl's best friend!

And most importantly, the woman never gave her daughter an ounce of affection.

Usually, when you have a problem with one parent, you go to the other one. But that was a thing the little girl could not do. Her father had abandoned her. Ever since he left the house, he had not contacted the little girl even once.

The truth was that the woman didn't let the father have any contact with the little girl. She lied to her ex-husband, saying his daughter did not want to see him.

But that was something the little girl did not know.

So she tried her best to become the person her mother wanted her to be, clinging to the only parent who she thought she had left and who wanted her. But the woman was not satisfied.

"You can do better than that. You have to be the best." she kept saying.

Not only that. The woman always told her daughter what to do. She never gave the little girl the right to choose. And the little girl had no choice but to listen to her mother. Even if she didn't like what she did.

During the night, the little girl wept in bed. And it was not the first time she did that. She cried wishing her mother would take her in her arms and tell her she loved her. Wishing her mother accept her the way she was. Wishing her mother appreciate the efforts she made and be proud of them and especially, of her.

But these were only what they were: wishes. Wishes that could not come true.

The little girl seemed to realise it because she built a wall around her heart, refusing to care, and to receive and give love. And most importantly, to protect herself from getting hurt again.

The little girl was gone to be replaced by an awful person, now a teenager. Wherever she went, she showed people an image of herself and they bought it. She looked down on others and kept saying that she was the best. It was like if she said that over and again, her mother would finally believe it.

Well, the part where the teenager thought she was a diva was truly a part of her personality. Then, people had liked this part of her. But now, being a diva for her was the same as being horrible to people, refusing to accept other people's advices and belittling others.

Her best friend thought that the girl she once knew was lost forever.

Until a boy came along.

And whenever the teenager was with him, the best friend could see that the teenager would go back to her old self.

The teenager was not dumb. She knew what the boy was doing to her. So she pushed him away and refused to admit her feelings.

That little girl's name is Ludmila, the best friend's Nata and the boy is Federico.

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