Chapter 5

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The next morning, Nata was on her way to Ludmila's house. As she walked, she thought back at yesterday. She wanted her best friend to be happy but maybe she was wrong in thinking that her happiness lied with Federico. Why did she even think that in the first place? Was it because despite herself, Ludmila fell in love with the guy? Or was it for another reason?

And for Federico, maybe on that too she was wrong. Why did she think that being in love with Ludmila was not reason enough for him to be still sticking around? Or was there really another reason?

Suddenly, she heard her name and when she turned around, she saw the guy in her thoughts walking towards her.

"Hi," Federico said when he'd reached her. "You're going to see Ludmila?" When she nodded, he said, "I'll come with you."

And as they walked, Nata remarked, "She's not going to be happy to see you. In fact, she's going to be mad."

Federico nodded in agreement but then he shrugged nonchalantly. "I've missed her."

Nata couldn't help but smile. It was like this reason was enough for Federico to face Ludmila and her anger.

And then, as she watched Federico's smiling face like he had no worries in the world, it dawned on her. She remembered why she thought that Ludmila's happiness was with Federico. Why she thought that the guy was a perfect match for her best friend. No matter how many times-and it was a lot-Ludmila had pushed him away, he always came back. He had seen Ludmila in different moods, he had seen how difficult it was to handle the girl and he still wanted her. The guy wanted to be a part of Ludmila's life and he was making an effort to be in it. It was like nothing could ever change his feelings for Ludmila.

"You love her a lot, don't you?"

Federico frowned, wondering where this question came from but he answered anyway, "Yes. You should know it better than anyone."

Yup, he was right. From the second his and Ludmila's story began, she was there, sitting on the front seats.

Suddenly, Federico stopped walking at her side. He pushed his hands in his jeans pockets and looked at his shoes. "Maybe i'm wrong," he said. He looked at her. "Maybe I misread it. Maybe she is not in love with me. If she isn't..." Federico trailed off and looked away.

Nata couldn't blame Federico for thinking like that but she could not let Federico continue think like that either. Her best friend's happiness was at risk here.

"You are wrong, Federico," she told him and he looked at her. "She loves you. Trust me, i'm her best friend. I know best. But..."

Federico smiled sadly. "But she's never going to admit it."

And at that moment, Nata had a sudden fear. What if Federico decided to give up completely on Ludmila? No. She could not let that happen. She had to tell him the truth.

"Actually, Federico...," she started but he broke in.

"You know what? It does not matter if she does not feel the same way I do. Not right now, atleast," he added.

"What?," Nata said confused.

"What matters..."

"What?," she asked curiously when he didn't went on.

"Be honest with me, Nata," he said, locking gaze with her. "Ludmila is not happy, is she?"

Nata was surprised. If there was one person who could see through Ludmila's mask, then it was Federico. but she needed to see how far he had seen.

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