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✧・゚: ✧・゚: - :・゚✧:・゚✧

"HEY, NAMI, REA!", luffy shouts to us. nami is currently studying one of our maps while i'm patching a small whole on my purple dress.

"what", us girls both ask at the same time and look up from our doings, to see luffy holding a big flag in his hand.

"it's ready!", he says and holds it up. the flag pictures a skeleton head with a straw hay on top of it.

i frown, "and what is it?", i ask the dark-haired boy.

"our jolly roger. every pirate crew has to have one. and now we do!", he explains with an exited voice.

nami rolls her eyes."we are not a crew, and you are not hanging that on my boat", she says.

"wait, what? since when is this your boat?", i ask and turn to her.

"since i stole it", she says to me, and before i can reply anything, the door opens, and zoro comes outside.

"hey, zoro! zoro, check it out", luffy says to him as soon as the door opens. zoro looks at the jolly roger for a second.

"that's unique", he then says, and i raise one eyebrow. it's not unique, it's straight up ugly. but i'm not saying that out loud because i don't wanna hurt luffy's feelings. he is definitely the nicest one on this boat.

"nami, i think the toilet's buested", zoro says to nami.

"we don't have a toilet"

"oh", zoro mumbles.

my eyes widen a bit when i realise what that means. "wait, is there a leak in our ship", i ask and immediately stand up to go check it out. cause if that the case, it would mean that the ship would sink soon.

"oh, you would know all about that, right?", zoro says to me, referring to what my occupation at the moment is. i bite my inner cheek. he's good.

"but yes, then something back there is leaking. or at least there's water", he says to the others, who now stand up too.

nami quickly goes into one of the rooms and closes the door behind her while luffy and i investigate the bedroom. after a few minutes, nami gets back outside. "we are taking in water. what did you do?", she asks the green-haired man. wow, she seems mad.

"i didn't do anything", zoro replies with an annoyed undertone.

"well, the way you're clanging those swords around all the time, you must've broken something.

"maybe you should've stolen a better boat", zoro says in return. good point.

"yeah, this boat's shit anyway. we don't have a toilet, or a shower. plus there's only one bed, where zoro lays in all the time", i agree.

"if these are not your normal standards, feel free to leave the boat", nami says to me and woah, i thought we were slowly becoming friends, but okay.

"excuse me?", i say offended.

"guys. guys. guys. okay, crew meeting", luffy now says loudly.

"not a crew!", zoro and nami say at the same time while i keep silent. i mean, we kind of saved each other back at that circus show, which kind of makes us a crew.

"we're gonna need a better ship to make it to the grand line. a real pirate ship. worthy of the straw hat crew", luffy smiles.

"wait. straw hat crew? really?"

"yeah, i thought it had a nice ring to it", ruffy shrugs, still with the big grin on his lips.

" 'demon' has a nice ring to it", zoro now says. i squint my eyes and look at him.

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