Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Viviane pOV
It has been ten years since I last set foot in my homeland, the Philippines. A lot has changed since I left, with more high-rise buildings and worsening traffic. But if there's one thing that hasn't changed, it's the climate and the memories I wish to bury.

If it weren't for one person, I wouldn't want to come back to the Philippines. And that person is my boyfriend, Hanz Cedrick Reyes. I really miss him, but at the same time, I'm worried. I'm afraid that he might have found someone else since we haven't had any communication for a long time, and the last time we saw each other was when he proposed to me.

I've been wanting to visit him for a long time, but I've been too busy to do so. As soon as I arrived at the airport, I hailed a taxi and asked to be taken to Varex Village, where the Reyes family lives. The security guard was strict and almost didn't let me in, but I managed to show him my valid ID.

I wasn't surprised by the strict security in this village because it's not just ordinary people who live here, but members of the elite, including businessmen, artists, and politicians.

I took off my shoes and started walking while dragging my suitcase. After more than an hour, I finally arrived in front of the Reyes' house. It was a modern grey house with a garden and a swimming pool on the side.

"Ma'am April, is that you?!" an old man called out. I looked towards the gate and saw Mang Estong holding a sprinkler. He had aged significantly since the last time I saw him, so I could hardly recognize him.

"I'm fine, Mang Estong. It's been a long time. How are you?" I replied.

"I'm okay, young lady. Come inside, Ma'am Lucia will be delighted to see you." He invited me, so I followed him. He even insisted on carrying my suitcase, which I initially refused but allowed him to do so because he was too old to carry heavy things.

I found Tita Lucia reading a book, and she was surprised when she saw me. She quickly ran towards me and hugged me.

"Ohh my Viviane!!! Is that really you?" she exclaimed with joy. But I only gave her a smile in return. She invited me to their living room, and then she asked one of their maids to clean one of the rooms.

"I thought you would never come back here," Tita Lucia said sadly, which made me feel sad too.

"I thought so too, Tita. But I don't think I can completely let go of Hanz," I said.

"Huh? What do you mean? You and my son are not yet married," she said, confused.

She was shocked when I told her what happened between us, but I was about to be even more surprised by what she was about to say.

"But, my dear, Hanz has been away for a long time. We thought you were already married and had a child. The last time we saw him was two years ago when he chose to leave his position in the company to go after you and propose," Tita said.

"If Hanz has been away for two years and I haven't been with him, then where is he?" I wondered.

I pondered on Tita Lucia's words. I had no idea where Hanz had been for the past two years that we haven't seen each other. The last time we met was when he proposed to me, and I didn't accept his offer. But I never expected him to disappear for such a long time.

I felt a sense of worry and concern in my heart. Where could he be? What happened to him? I didn't know how to start looking for him, especially now that I was back in the Philippines.

I decided to reach out to Hanz's friends, hoping that they might have some information about his whereabouts. The first person I called was Ameliana , my close friend. After sharing my concerns, she also admitted that she didn't know where Hanz was. She said they haven't seen or talked to each other since I left.

I continued my search and called some of Hanz's doctor friends. But they had no information about him either. I became even more worried. Where could he be?

I decided to visit the Reyes company. Maybe they had some information about Hanz. I went straight to the company's office and introduced myself as a friend of Hanz. However, the receptionist informed me that Hanz was not in the company and they had no information...

about his whereabouts. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as I realized that I had hit a dead end. Where could Hanz possibly be?

Desperate for answers, I turned to social media as a last resort. I posted a heartfelt message on various platforms, explaining my situation and asking for any information about Hanz. I included a recent photo of the two of us, hoping that someone might recognize him or have seen him recently.

As the days went by, my post gained traction and started to spread among the online community. People shared their own stories, offered their support, and even shared possible leads. It was heartwarming to see strangers coming together to help me find Hanz.

One day, as I was scrolling through the comments on my post, I noticed a message from someone named Miguel. He claimed to have seen Hanz in a small coastal town in the northern part of the Philippines. He provided me with the name of the town and a description of the place where Hanz was supposedly staying.

Filled with a mix of hope and anxiety, I immediately packed my bags and embarked on a journey to the coastal town. The long bus ride was filled with anticipation and uncertainty. What would I find when I arrived? Would Hanz be there? And if he was, what would I say to him?

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I arrived at the coastal town. I followed the directions given by Miguel and found myself standing in front of a quaint beachside cottage. My heart raced as I knocked on the door, unsure of what awaited me on the other side.

The door creaked open, revealing a familiar face. It was Hanz, looking slightly older but still as handsome as ever. The moment our eyes met, time seemed to stand still. Emotions flooded over me as I realized that I had finally found him.

To be continued.

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