Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

Viviane had been incredibly busy lately, juggling back-to-back operations and finding little time to spend with Lorgan. That's why she decided to take a break and cook a comforting meal.

As she stood in the supermarket, choosing sayote for her tinola, a Filipino chicken soup dish, a wave of nostalgia washed over Viviane. Tinola had always been her favorite dish as a child, lovingly prepared by her mother.

Lost in her thoughts, Viviane was startled when someone called out her name. She turned her head and saw Tita Lucia, Hanz's mother, approaching her with a warm smile.

"Viviane, is that you?" Tita Lucia exclaimed, pleasantly surprised.

Viviane returned the smile and greeted her, "Hi Tita! It's been a while since we last saw each other."

Tita Lucia expressed her surprise, "I thought you had gone back abroad. Are you still here?"

Viviane explained, "I was offered a job here, Tita, so I decided to stay."

Tita Lucia's next question made Viviane feel a pang of unease, even in the cool air-conditioned supermarket. "How are you and my son doing?"

Viviane nervously replied, "We're doing fine, Tita."

Tita Lucia's voice filled with emotion as she shared her feelings, "I can't help but feel hurt that he hasn't been in touch with us for so long, neither with me nor his father."

Viviane sympathized with Tita Lucia's pain, but she couldn't bring herself to reveal the truth about Hanz's memory loss and his new identity as Lorgan. It was a delicate situation, and she didn't know how to address it.

"I promise I'll talk to him, Tita," Viviane managed to say, hoping

As Viviane walked through the supermarket aisles, her mind was filled with conflicting emotions. She couldn't help but feel torn between her loyalty to Lorgan and her desire to maintain a connection with his family. It was a difficult situation, and she knew that she had to find a way to navigate through it.

After gathering all the ingredients for her tinola, Viviane headed to the cashier to pay for her groceries. As she stood in line, she couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt that lingered within her. She knew that keeping Hanz's memory loss a secret from his family was not the ideal solution, but she also understood the complexity of the situation.

Once she paid for her groceries, Viviane made her way back home. The familiar scent of the tinola filled her kitchen as she started preparing the dish. Cooking had always been a therapeutic activity for her, allowing her to find solace and clarity in the midst of chaos.

As the soup simmered on the stove, Viviane couldn't help but reflect on the past. She remembered the times when Hanz and his family would gather around the table, sharing stories and laughter. It was a stark contrast to the current situation, where secrets and uncertainties seemed to overshadow their once close-knit bond.

Lost in her thoughts, Viviane was startled by the sound of her phone ringing. She quickly wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and answered the call. It was Lorgan, checking in to see how her day was going.

Viviane couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and apprehension. She wanted to tell him about the encounter with Tita Lucia, but she also didn't want to burden him with the weight of his past. Instead, she decided to focus on the present and the upcoming birthday celebration.

"Hey, Lorgan," Viviane greeted him, trying to sound cheerful. "I ran into Tita Lucia at the supermarket today. She asked about you and expressed her concern."

" Tita lucia? Is she your aunt?,So your telling me to your relatives huh" he Said in teasing tone.

Viviane felt a pang of sadness as Lorgan mentioned his inability to remember his own mother. She understood the pain and confusion he must be experiencing, and it only deepened her resolve to support him through this difficult journey.

"No, Lorgan," Viviane replied gently. "Tita Lucia is not my aunt. She's a close family friend who is aware of our relationship. She expressed concern because she hasn't heard from you or your family in a while."

She paused for a moment, carefully choosing her words. "I know this situation is complicated, and I don't want to pressure you. However, I believe it's important to consider reconnecting with your family when you feel ready. They care about you, and it could bring some healing and closure."

Viviane sensed Lorgan's hesitation on the other end of the line. She wanted to reassure him that she would support whatever decision he made, while also emphasizing the significance of family bonds.

"I understand if it feels overwhelming right now," she continued. "Just know that I'm here for you, and I'll support you no matter what you decide. Family is important, but so is your well-being. Take your time, and we can navigate this together."

As Viviane spoke, she hoped her words conveyed her love and understanding. She knew the path ahead would be challenging, but she was determined to stand by Lorgan's side, offering him the support and strength he needed.

After their conversation, Viviane returned her attention to the simmering tinola on the stove. The comforting aroma filled the air, reminding her of the power of food to bring people together. She hoped that one day, Lorgan would be able to reconnect with his family and experience the warmth and love she had witnessed in their presence.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Viviane continued to cook, pouring her love and care into every step of the process. She knew the meal she was preparing was more than just food; it was a symbol of hope and healing, a reminder that even in the face of challenges, love and connection could prevail. And right After she finished cooking, Lorgan arrived right on time.

As they sat down to eat the delicious tinola, Lorgan couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside him. He took a deep breath and looked at Viviane, grateful for her presence and support.

"Lorgan, I know this is a difficult decision to make," Viviane said gently, breaking the silence. "But remember, family is a source of strength and love. They have been a part of your life, and reconnecting with them could bring you some peace."

Lorgan sighed, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "I understand that, Viviane. But it's been so long, and I don't even know where to begin. What if they don't want to hear from me? What if they've moved on?"

Viviane reached out and placed her hand on top of Lorgan's, offering him reassurance. "I can understand why you might feel that way, but you won't know until you try. People change, and they might be more open to reconnecting than you think. And even if it doesn't go as planned, at least you'll have closure and know that you tried."

Lorgan nodded, contemplating Viviane's words. "You're right. I don't want to live with regrets or wonder 'what if' for the rest of my life. I need to take that step and reach out to them."

Viviane smiled, proud of Lorgan's decision. "I'm here for you, Lorgan. We can work on drafting a letter or finding a way to contact them. And remember, you don't have to do this alone. I'll be by your side every step of the way."

Lorgan's eyes softened, gratitude shining through. "Thank you, Viviane. I don't know what I would do without you. Your support means the world to me."

Viviane squeezed his hand gently. "You're not alone in this, Lorgan. We'll face whatever comes together. And no matter the outcome, I'll always be here for you."

As they continued their meal, the weight of Lorgan's decision began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope. The conversation flowed effortlessly between them, filled with laughter, shared memories, and plans for the future.

In that moment, Lorgan realized that he had found not only a partner but also a true friend in Viviane. Together, they would navigate the complexities of family relationships, knowing that their bond was strong enough to withstand any challenges that came their way.

To be continued..
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