Chapter 3

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Chapter three

Third person pov

Without saying a word, But Hanz abruptly pushed me away, leaving me shocked and bewildered. Confusion filled the air as I tried to comprehend his sudden change in behavior.

Breaking the silence, Hanz spoke with a mix of confusion and frustration, asking, "Who the hell are you?!!"

His question caught me off guard, and tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to find the right words. "It's me, Hanz," I whispered, my voice trembling. "It's Viviane, your girlfriend."

Hanz's brows furrowed as he searched my face for any sign of recognition. But all he found was his own confusion staring back at him.

"I don't remember ," he admitted, his voice barely audible. "I don't remember you."

The weight of his words crushed my heart, leaving me feeling lost and alone. But just as I was trying to make sense of it all, a girl in a towel suddenly appeared, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

"Love, who is she?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity and concern.

Viviane's heart sank as she realized that Hanz, or rather Lorcan, had moved on with someone else. The pain of betrayal mixed with the ache of lost memories, creating an overwhelming sense of sadness.

Taking a step back, Viviane struggled to find her voice amidst the chaos. "I... I thought we you love m-me?," she managed to say, her voice filled with a mix of hurt and confusion.And then she found her self running With tears streaming down her face . she don't know how she manage to go back to her hotel.

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Viviane found herself caught between the past and the present. While she threw herself into her work, seeking solace in the familiar routine, memories of her time with Hanz continued to resurface, reopening wounds she thought had started to heal.

To navigate through her pain, Viviane sought the comfort and understanding of her friend emely, who had recently returned to the Philippines. Sharing her story with Emely brought a sense of relief, knowing that she had someone who understood her pain and offered words of encouragement and support. It was a reminder that she was not alone in her journey of healing.

Viviane sat down with Emely, her trusted friend, at a cozy cafe in the heart of Manila. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as they settled into their seats. Viviane's shoulders slumped, and she looked down at her hands, fidgeting with her coffee cup.

Emely reached out and gently placed her hand on Viviane's, offering a comforting squeeze. Viviane looked up, her eyes filled with sadness, but also gratitude for Ameliana's presence. She gave Ameliana a small smile, a flicker of hope in her expression.

"How are you , V?" Emely Ask and listened attentively, offering her unwavering support .

"I wish I could say that I'm okay., I don't know where to begin. It's been such a difficult journey for me."Viviane Said with a bitter smile.

"I'm here for you, Viviane. Take your time. You're not alone in this"emely said
reminding Viviane that she was not alone.

Viviane poured her heart out to Emely, expressing the difficulties she had faced on her journey.

" Thank you, emely. It means a lot to have someone like you by my side. sighs I've been struggling to find healing after everything that happened."

"I understand, Viviane. Healing takes time, and it's not a linear process. But remember, you're stronger than you think. reaches out and holds Viviane's hand",Viviane felt a sense of gratitude towards Emely, appreciating her presence and the strength it gave her.

looks down at their hands Sometimes, "it feels like the pain will never go away. I try to move forward, but it's so hard."Viviane adden with teary eyes

" I know it's tough, Viviane. But I believe in you.You have the strength within you to overcome this. "she said and gently squeezes Viviane's hand

looks up, tears welling up in her eyes I want to believe that, Emely. "I really do. But sometimes, it feels like I'm drowning in my own emotions."

" It's okay to feel overwhelmed, Viviane. Your emotions are valid. Just remember that you don't have to face this alone. I'm here for you, every step of the way."

nods, wiping away her tears "Thank you, Emely. Your support means everything to me". takes a deep breath I want to find healing and happiness again. I want to let go of the pain.

"And you will, Viviane. It may take time, but I know you have the resilience to overcome this". smiles reassuringly

Viviane smiles back, a glimmer of hope in her eyes "I'm grateful to have you in my life, Emely. Your presence alone gives me strength."

" And I'm grateful to have you as a friend, Viviane. We'll get through this together". squeezes Viviane's hand tighter.In that moment, as they continued their heartfelt conversation

takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm "I believe you, Emely. Let's face this journey hand in hand, and find healing together."

"Absolutely, Viviane. We'll navigate this journey together, supporting each other every step of the way. gently holds both of Viviane's hands"Ameliana said

In an effort to move forward, Viviane dedicated herself to her work as a doctor. Immersing herself in the demands of her profession provided a temporary escape from the pain and emptiness that Hanz's absence had left behind. Despite the challenges she faced, she found purpose and fulfillment in making a difference in the lives of others.

Although the pain of losing Hanz still lingered, Viviane was determined to find strength within herself and rebuild her life. She knew that healing would take time, but she was ready to embrace the journey and rediscover her own happiness.

As Viviane entered the hospital, her eyes scanned the wards until they landed on a familiar figure. There, sitting in one of the wards, was Hanz. A mix of surprise and relief washed over her as she approached him cautiously.

Hanz looked up from his seat, his eyes meeting Viviane's. A glimmer of recognition flickered in his gaze, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Viviane's heart skipped a beat, hoping that he remembered her.

To be continued

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