Chapter 9

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When Lorgan finally opened his eyes, he found himself in a sterile hospital room, surrounded by the beeping of machines and the faint scent of antiseptic. Panic surged through him as he frantically searched for Mikey, but instead, he was met with the sight of Viviane, dressed in a doctor's coat, standing by his side. Confusion and concern flooded his mind as he struggled to piece together the fragments of his memory and understand what had transpired in his absence.

Viviane's presence by his side both comforted and bewildered Lorgan. He couldn't help but wonder how she had come to be there instead of Mikey. Questions swirled in his mind, but his weakened state prevented him from voicing them. Viviane, sensing his confusion, gently placed a hand on his arm and offered a reassuring smile.

Lorgan's eyes flickered open, his vision blurry as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He turned his head to the side and saw Viviane sitting in a chair next to his bed, her eyes fixed on him with concern.

"Lorgan, you're awake!" Viviane exclaimed, a mixture of relief and joy evident in her voice. "How are you feeling?"

Lorgan's throat felt dry and scratchy as he attempted to speak. "Where... where am I?" he managed to croak out.

"You're in the hospital," Viviane replied gently. "You collapsed from exhaustion, but you're going to be okay. We've been taking care of you."

Lorgan's brow furrowed in confusion. "But... Mikey? Where is she? Is she okay?"

Viviane's expression softened, and she reached out to place a comforting hand on Lorgan's arm. "We're still searching for Mikey," she said softly. "We haven't found her yet, but we're doing everything we can. You need to focus on your own recovery right now."

Lorgan's heart sank at the mention of Mikey's continued absence. "I can't just sit here while she's out there," he said, his voice filled with frustration and worry.

"I understand how you feel, Lorgan," Viviane replied, her voice filled with empathy. "But pushing yourself too hard won't help anyone. You need to take care of yourself first, so that when we do find Mikey, you'll be strong and ready to support her."

Lorgan sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He knew Viviane was right, but the thought of being separated from Mikey during this difficult time was almost unbearable.

"I miss her so much," Lorgan admitted, his voice filled with a mix of longing and sadness.

Viviane nodded understandingly. "I know it's hard, but we're doing everything we can to bring her back to you. In the meantime, I'll be here for you, Lorgan. You're not alone in this."

A flicker of gratitude crossed Lorgan's eyes as he looked at Viviane. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Viviane smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Lorgan. We'll get through this together."
"Lorgan, you're safe now," she said softly. "You were brought here after collapsing from exhaustion. Mikey... she's still out there, but we're doing everything we can to find her."

Lorgan's heart sank at the mention of Mikey's continued absence. He longed to be by her side, to protect her from whatever danger she might be facing. But for now, he had to focus on his own recovery. Viviane explained that he had been unconscious for several days, and the doctors were monitoring his condition closely.

As Lorgan absorbed this information, a mix of gratitude and frustration washed over him. He was grateful for Viviane's care and the efforts being made to find Mikey, but he couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness. He yearned to be back on his feet, to be actively involved in the search for his beloved.

Days turned into weeks as Lorgan slowly regained his strength. Viviane remained a constant presence, providing updates on the search for Mikey and offering words of encouragement. Lorgan's determination grew with each passing day, fueling his recovery and his resolve to bring Mikey back to safety.

Finally, the day came when Lorgan was deemed fit to leave the hospital. With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, he stepped out into the world once again, ready to face the challenges ahead. The search for Mikey would not be easy, but Lorgan was prepared to do whatever it took to reunite with the love of his life.

As he took his first steps outside the hospital, Lorgan couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. The road ahead would be filled with obstacles, but he knew that with Viviane's support and his unwavering love for Mikey, they would find a way to bring her back home.

Eight months had passed, and despite their tireless efforts, Mikey remained elusive. The search had taken them to every corner of the city, following leads and chasing shadows, but each trail seemed to lead to a dead end. Lorgan's heart ached with the realization that they might never find her.

During this time, Lorgan had grown closer to Viviane. Her unwavering support and presence had been a source of strength for him. They had spent countless hours together, sharing their hopes, fears, and dreams. Lorgan began to see Viviane in a new light, appreciating her kindness, intelligence, and the way she had stood by him through it all.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Lorgan found himself falling in love with Viviane. It was a bittersweet realization, as he still held a deep love for Mikey in his heart. But he couldn't deny the connection he felt with Viviane, the way she had been there for him when he needed someone the most.

One evening, as they sat together on a park bench, Lorgan mustered the courage to express his feelings to Viviane. He spoke from his heart, telling her how grateful he was for her support and how he had come to care for her deeply. Viviane listened attentively, her eyes filled with a mix of understanding and affection.

"Lorgan," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth, "I've grown to care for you too. You've shown me what it means to love and be loved. But I want you to know that I will always support you, no matter what you decide."

Lorgan nodded, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. He knew that moving on from Mikey would be a difficult journey, but he also knew that he couldn't ignore the love that had blossomed between him and Viviane. With a deep breath, he made a choice.

"I choose you, Viviane," he said, his voice filled with determination. "You've been there for me when I needed someone the most, and I want to be there for you too. Let's face the future together."

A smile spread across Viviane's face, and she reached out to take Lorgan's hand. In that moment, they both knew that their love would be a source of strength as they navigated the uncertainties of life. Though Mikey would forever hold a special place in Lorgan's heart, he was ready to embrace the love that stood before him.

To be continued....

Naol malandi w/Viviane char.


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