Chapter 4

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Chapter four

Lorgan glanced up, his surprise evident as he saw Viviane standing before him. He paused for a moment, a smug smile playing on his lips as he assessed her presence. "You... you're here again?" he stated, his tone laced with a hint of superiority, as if her appearance was expected and inconsequential.

Viviane maintained her composure, her voice calm and steady. "Yes, Lorgan. I work here. And my name is Viviane, not 'you.'"

Lorgan's expression remained unchanged, his arrogance shining through. He chuckled dismissively. "Of course, Viviane. How could I forget? Your name is as forgettable as your role here."

Viviane's eyes narrowed slightly, but she remained composed. "I understand, Lorgan. Is there something I can assist you with?"

Lorgan leaned against the wall, a self-assured smirk on his face. "It's my girlfriend. She's in the hospital, and the doctors can't seem to figure out what's wrong with her. I feel so helpless."

Empathy filled Viviane's eyes as she listened to Lorgan's concerns, undeterred by his arrogant demeanor. "I'm sorry to hear that, Lorgan. Is there anything I can do to support you? Perhaps I can check for any updates on her condition or offer any other assistance."

Lorgan's arrogance momentarily wavered as he considered Viviane's offer. He shrugged nonchalantly.

Viviane nodded, her determination unyielding despite Lorgan's attitude. "I'll do my best to assist you. I'll check with the medical staff and keep you informed. Hang in there, Lorgan

Lorgan approached Viviane at her desk, a hint of frustration evident on his face. "Viviane, I've been waiting for over an hour for the doctor to come and give me an update on my girlfriend's condition. This is unacceptable."

Viviane looked up from her work, concern in her eyes. "I apologize for the delay, Lorgan. Let me check with the nursing staff and see if I can find out what's causing the delay."

Lorgan scoffed, crossing his arms impatiently. "You better make it quick. I don't have time to waste."

Viviane nodded, understanding the urgency in Lorgan's voice. She quickly made her way to the nursing station, determined to get answers for him. After a few minutes of speaking with the nurses, she returned to Lorgan with an apologetic smile.

"Lorgan, I spoke with the nursing staff, and it seems there was an emergency situation that required the doctor's immediate attention. They apologize for the delay and assure me that the doctor will be with you shortly."

Lorgan's frustration seemed to soften slightly as he absorbed the information. "I see. Well, I guess emergencies happen. I just want to know how she's doing."

Viviane nodded empathetically, her voice filled with sincerity. "I understand, Lorgan. I'll do my best to ensure you receive an update as soon as possible. In the meantime, please let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with."

Lorgan sighed, his impatience still lingering but tempered by Viviane's genuine concern. "No, that's all for now. Just please keep me informed."

Viviane nodded once again, her dedication unwavering. "Of course, Lorgan. I'll make sure to stay in touch and provide you with any updates as soon as I receive them. Hang in there."

As the days went by, Lorgan and Viviane had more interactions, each one revealing a different side of Lorgan. Sometimes he would approach Viviane with a worried expression, seeking reassurance about his girlfriend's progress. Other times, he would come with a smile on his face, grateful for the positive news he had received.

Viviane remained a constant source of support and empathy, even when Lorgan's emotions fluctuated. She listened attentively to his concerns, offering words of encouragement and understanding. Through their conversations, a bond began to form between them, built on trust and shared experiences.

Lorgan's face turned pale, his voice trembling with sadness and fear. "Viviane, the doctor just told me that my girlfriend has stage four cancer and she's dying. I don't know what to do."

Viviane's eyes filled with compassion as she reached out to hold Lorgan's hand. "I'm so sorry to hear that,...

As Lorgan left Viviane's office, a mix of emotions swirled within him. The weight of the news about his girlfriend's condition felt almost unbearable, but he found solace in knowing that he had someone like Viviane by his side.

Days turned into weeks, and Lorgan's visits to the hospital became more frequent. Viviane remained a constant presence, offering a listening ear and words of comfort whenever he needed them. She became not just a healthcare professional, but also a friend who understood the depth of his pain.

During one of their conversations, Lorgan opened up about his fears and regrets. "Viviane, I can't help but feel guilty. I should have noticed the signs earlier, done something to prevent this. I feel like I failed her."

Viviane's voice was filled with warmth and understanding. "Lorgan, it's natural to have those thoughts, but it's important to remember that
Chronic kidney disease is a complex disease. It's not your fault. You've been there for her every step of the way, and that's what matters. Focus on the love and support you've given her."

Lorgan nodded, taking in Viviane's words. "You're right. I need to focus on being there for her now, in whatever way I can."

To be continued

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