fine - leon kennedy

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You and Leon have been sent on a dangerous mission, somewhere in Spain. Although, you're not sure exactly where. All you know is that this is no ordinary village. Something is seriously wrong with these villagers. They're so... strange.

Getting 'Baby Eagle' back home was proving to be harder than you and Leon had originally thought. So much was going on. But your hardest challenge so far had to be Las Plagas.

Both you and Leon had been infected with it, though neither of you are sure exactly when.

Lord Saddler would use this against you at the worst times possible. Sometimes he would attempt to take control of your mind, playing you like a puppet. Other times, he'd attempt to communicate with you, telling you to just give up already.

When he was trying to take control of your mind, it was hard not to just give in. It's like you weren't in control of your body, but you were still conscious and aware of everything that was happening.

You and Leon are outside the castle, about to walk in, when you notice Leon has stopped walking next to you.

You turn around, confused, and ask, "Leon? Are you coming?"

He doesn't respond but he slowly starts walking towards you. It was weird though. It looked like he was trying to stay still but something was forcing him to walk towards you. Unbeknownst to you, Lord Saddler was currently taking control of his body.

You stare at him, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. He stops right in front of you. You look down and notice he's holding something in his hand. A blade.

You don't know what to do. So you just stand there, unsure of what your next moves or words should be.

"Leon, what are you doing?.." You ask.

You feel like you should be scared but it's Leon. You know him and you know he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Right?

As you gaze into Leon's eyes, searching for any trace of recognition, you notice a flicker of struggle. It's as if he's fighting against an invisible force trying to control him. He mumbles, his voice shaky, "I'm sorry..."

Leon's words send a chill down your spine as you watch the internal battle unfold within him. The Leon you know is fighting to regain control, his features contorting with the struggle against Lord Saddler's influence.

You can see the despair in his eyes as his hand slowly rises and next thing you know, you've caught the blade in your hand. Almost immediately, you feel it cut through your palm. You let go of the blade.

Blood seeps from the fresh wound in your hand, but you barely register the pain. In this dire moment, you can see the terror and regret in Leon's eyes as he struggles against Lord Saddler's control.

Suddenly, Leon drops the blade and it clatters to the ground. You and Leon both share a breath of relief as he stumbles back, breaking free from Lord Saddler's control. His chest heaves with exertion as he looks at you.

After that, everything becomes a blur. You can't really remember what happened. All you remember is them separating you and Leon. And the look on Leon's face after realising what he had done.

You wander around the castle with no clue where you're going. The only thing on your mind was Leon, and how you have to find him.

Your hand has stopped bleeding but it still hurts. But that's to be expected, considering your palm was literally sliced open.

As you wander through the dimly lit and ornate corridors of the castle, you can't shake the image of Leon's face when he regained control. The guilt, fear, and remorse he displayed haunts you with every step.

The castle itself feels like a labyrinth, full of traps and danger at every turn. You know you have to find Leon and put an end to this nightmare.

As you turn a corner, you see a familiar figure in the distance. It looks like Leon. You quicken your pace, following the figure, who appears to be your partner, through the winding halls, determined to reunite with him.

Finally, you reach a large, candle-lit chamber, and there he is, standing in the dim light. Leon's expression is a mix of exhaustion and relief as he spots you, and rushes to your side. You both embrace, glad to have found each other in the horrors of this place.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," Leon says, his voice filled with regret. "I should've fought harder. I shouldn't have let that happen to you. I'm so sorry."

You hold him tighter, feeling the warmth of his embrace. "It wasn't your fault, Leon. You can't blame yourself for what happened."

Leon's shoulders slump as he lets out a deep sigh, his guilt still weighing heavily on him. "I know, but I couldn't protect you when I should've been able to."

You gently put a hand on his cheek, making him look into your eyes. "Leon, we're in this together. We'll find a way to stop Lord Saddler and end this nightmare. Blaming yourself won't help. We've got to stay strong and focused."

Leon's gaze softens as he looks into your eyes, and he manages a weak smile as he nods. "You're right. We've come this far, we can't give up now."

You give him a small, reassuring smile and slowly pull away from him, ready to go find 'Baby Eagle'. As you start to walk, you grab his hand, giving him a chance to let go, but he doesn't.

Leon's grip on your hand is firm and reassuring as you both delve deeper into the heart of the castle. The deeper you venture into the castle, the more disturbing and sinister the surroundings become.

The eerie atmosphere of the castle intensifies as you and Leon press on, determined to uncover the truth behind the horrifying events in this mysterious place. Together, you face the unknown, ready to confront the darkness that lurks within the ancient walls, all while holding onto the hope that you'll both make it out of this nightmare alive.

Leon suddenly jerks his head to the side, his gun raised. "Did you hear that?"

A low growl echoes through the corridor, and you both exchange a knowing look. You've encountered your fair share of terrifying creatures in this place. As you prepare for another fight, he whispers, "Stay close, Y/N."

You nod, your grip on your weapon tightening.

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