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Prevention: Different bear species will be less likely to attack than others I will be telling you about the most common species of bears you could run into.

(1) Find out what species of bears live near you.

(2) Make noise. If you are walking out in the woods shooting or making some noise will let the bears know you are there and they will most likely run away.

(3) Look and listen. Look around and if you see any signs that a bear was near like paw prints scat or even a dead half-eaten animal will help you know if a bear is rouned.

(3) Leatch, If you are bringing your dog with you keep them on the leash, If they run off they could find a bear not only will this be bad for the dog but if the dog comes running back to you the bear might follow.

(4) If you plan on going to a wildlife park check the warning page on the park's website to know if any bears have been spotted or any other dangers that might be nearby.

(5) Bear spray. For the same amount of people out there I will tell you this. Bear spray does not work like bug spray. You don't put it on you, but spray it at the bare when it gets close enough range to use it. The average can of bear spray can spray as far away as four to five meters and has six to eight seconds of spray in it. Pull back the red pin on the top of the can and push down on the black button. Make sure to get the spray in the bear's face.

(6) Stop, talk, walk. If you walk into a clearing and there is a bare there you should stop moving and take out your bear spray. This might sound weird but you must talk to the bear. Talking in a calm quiet voice will let the bear know you are not a threat or prey. Slowly back away from the bare well-avoiding eye contact if the bare movies closer get the bear spray ready but only use it if need. If the bear charges at you this is most likely a bluff charge and the bear will run away stand your ground if you run the bear will think you are prey and run after you.

(7) If you are riding your bike and see a bear slowly get off the bike making sure to keep it in between you and the bear. Talking to the bear in a calm quiet voice will let the bear know you are not a threat or prey. Slowly back away from the bear well avoiding eye contact. If the bear moves close get that bear spray ready.

(8) Stay away. Don't get too close staying as far away from a bear as possible is always a smart thing to do.

(9) Make yourself look big. The bigger you look, the more likely the bear will be too scared to attack. The bear doesn't know what you are or what you're doing, but the bigger you can appear, the more intimidating you'll be. Put your arms up and get on your tippy-toes. If you're next to a small hill or stack of rocks, slowly walk to position yourself on top of it to appear bigger. If you're wearing a jacket, pull the bottom corners up over your head and wave it back and forth. At this point, the vast majority of bears should be scared off and begin moving away.

(10) Feed them. Never feed any wildlife not just bears but all wildlife. Some of the food could be bad or even deadly for them and it will make them trust humans more making them more of a danger to you, others, and themselves.

(11) Know what bare your up against. Black bears are on the smaller side have a more prominent hump on their shoulder, less prominent ears, and longer, straighter front claws, and will be less likely to attack and can be easily scared off. Brown bears on the other hand are much bigger and more aggressive. If you see a brown bear never fight back if none of the above seem to keep it away from you get down. Lie flat on your stomach, legs spread apart for stability, with your hands protecting the back of your neck. Don't be surprised if the bites or scratches you. Even though it will hurt like hell you must not scream. A brown bear will attack till your dead so if you don't scream the bare will think you are dead after the bear leaves don't get up. Stay down for around forty minutes to an hour brown bears are not stupid and will wait and see if you really are dead if you get up just after be prepared for a round two and sudden death well this is rear it has happened. A polar bear. If bear spray doesn't work I hope you have a gun. Poler bares are the second largest bears on earth measuring up at a whopping ten feet tall, standing on their hind legs, and can weigh up to 550-1700 pounds, and females are 330-650 pounds if a polar bear is trying to attack you or someone else shot it and amie to kill or you will die. Here's a little rhyme to help you. "If it's black, fight back; if it's brown, lie down; if it's white, say good night."

Habit: You go into their home it's fair game.

(1) The woods.

(2) Caves.

(3) Near rivers during the fall.

(4) And is some cites, but not likely.

Signs and symptoms: 

(1) The bear will yawn or clack their teeth.  Pound their front paws on the ground while huffing.

(2) Youe being attacked by a fricken bear! What more do you people need?!

First aid: There really isn't much.

(1) Call 911!

(2) If there is someone with you that wasn't attacked have them help you apply pressure to the wounds to stop the bleeding or riping clothes to make bandages.

(3) Apply a tourniquet if you cannot control the bleeding by using direct pressure, you're unable to access the wound or you need to move.

Don'ts: Never do these unless you want to make your life a lot harder... And shorter.

(1) Climb a tree. Both blake bears and brown bears can climb.

(2) Don't approach or pet a bear cup. Well, they look cute and you mean no harm their mom won't see it that away. So, unless you want to find out what the term mama bear means first hand don't do this.

(3) Be messy. Leaving out food or trash will attract bears to where you are. Make sure to throw out any food scraps in a trash can and clean up. Put the food in the car and downwind from where you are staying.

(4) Provoke the bear. Ever hear the saying don't poke the bear? Well it means don't poke that bear! Why the hell would anyone do this?!! Do you want to get mauled and eaten?!!!

Fun fact: There are eight bear species in the world.

Fun fact: Layers on layers. Bears have thick, layered coats.

Fun fact: Bears can see color.

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