Chapter 1

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♕Chapter 1 ♕

♕ Diana

"I don't want to go in there!" Malia protested while looking up at me with a scared look in her eyes.

"Malia , it's your first day of kindergarten you have to go in there." I responded back before letting out a sigh.

She groaned and then started throwing a fit.

She was causing a scene so I grabbed her up into my arms and looked her dead in the eye.

"What are you so afraid of?" I questioned her.

She looks like she could just burst into tears right now.

"I want to be with you." She cried out as a single tear fell out of her eye.

"Awwww baby." I cooed kissing her cheek and wiping the tear.

"Do I have to go?" She asked with the most innocent voice.

"Yes you do but I got a deal for you." I stated.

"what?" She asked as I sat her back down on the ground.

"After school I'll take you to go get some ice cream and then we'll go to the zoo or something. How about that?" I explained to her hoping to put a smile on her face.

She gave me a big smile. "Okay mommy."

I grinned and nodded my head

"Okay let's go in." I told her while walking her into the door.

Class just started a few minutes ago and Malia made herself late.

We walked in and everyone's eyes are on us.

"You must be Malia." Her teacher said walking over to where we are with a friendly smile on her face.

Malia hid behind my leg once the lady fully approached us.

"Sorry we're late she was kind of scared to come into here." I stated honestly.

The teacher nodded her head in understanding. "It happens all the time. Malia why don't you come and take a seat at one of the tables?" The teacher asked her bending down to Malia's level.

"Why?" Malia questioned from behind my leg.

I chuckled a little bit. "Just go on baby." I encouraged pointing over to the only empty chair in the front.

She nodded her head and slowly walked over to the chair.

"I'll make sure to break her out of this little shell she's in." The teacher told me.

"Aright thank you so much!" I said before walking out of the room.

Malia has never been shy before today so it's kind of weird she's acting like it now.

Since Trey had to go and drop the girls off in a different classroom since they're older I had to take Malia to class by myself. We decided to meet back at the car.

"What took you so long?" Trey asked with his eyebrow raised once I got into the car.

"Malia was scared to go to class." I said chuckling a little bit.

"I knew she was scared with the way she was acting yesterday!" Trey yelled pulling out of the parking lot.

"I promised her ice cream and the zoo later on so I'll have her and the girls all day unless you wanna come." I told Trey.

"I can't come. I have work." Trey replied back.

I nodded my head in understanding.

These past few months Trey has been very busy with work and trust me I understand I just miss him sometimes.

Trey sat his free hand on my now huge belly.

"I can't wait until he's born." Trey spoke with a smile on his face.

I smiled too. "Me too. He's definitely gonna be into sports with the way he be kicking me." I complained as he started kicking.

"My man!" Trey yelled.

I started laughing and rolled my eyes playfully.

Trey leaned over and kiss my belly and me once we made it to a red light.

"I hope he turns out just like his father." I stated looking over at Trey who was already looking at me.

He grinned , grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

"I love you so much Diana." Trey expressed staring me deep in the eyes.

"I love you more Trey." I replied back.

We heard someone honk from behind us letting us know the light turned green.

Trey and I are having a intense staring contest so he didn't move at all.

More car horns went off as we blocked the noises and continued to stare at each other.

"Stop being all lovey dovey and more your damn car!" A man yelled from behind us.

We both cracked up laughing as we broke the intense staring contest.

Trey in MM 😍

Thank you guys for reading my books!

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