Chapter 32 ♕

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♕chapter 32 ♕

♕ Diana

"Are you ready?" April asked putting her hands onto my shoulders.

Everyone is in position and I'm the one they're all waiting for.

"I think so.." I replied back to her my stomach filled with butterflies.

I haven't felt like this since ...ever actually. I've never felt this way before, I feel so happy and alive...

"Take deep breaths honey and focus only on him." April said patting my stomach and leaving the room.

I nodded my head to assure myself that I got this.

You got this Diana. This is the moment you've been waiting for, don't freak out now.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on the door and Forrest peeped his head in.

"Are you ready sis?" He asked making me smile at him.

I turned around towards him.

"I was born ready..lets go." I stated walking over to him. He held his arm out and I took it.

Step by step we walked towards the room where the wedding is gonna be officially started at.

We watched as the flower girls, which include Malia, Michelle, & Miya, pranced about throwing rose petals everywhere. It was a beautiful sight to see and they looked beautiful in their light pink dresses. Then all of the bridesmaids walked out with one of Trey's groomsmen. Soon enough it was my turn to walk down the isle. All of my nerves began to hit me once again.

Forrest looked over at me with a smile and gently clutched my hand to make sure that I'm alright. I nodded my head and gave him a smile assuring him that I'm fine.

The pianist began to play the usual wedding song and we began walking in the aisle.

I looked around at all of my soon to be new family members and smiled before my eyes landed on Trey's. His eyes lighted up once our eyes connected and suddenly I was no longer nervous. He's my everything and I wouldn't be complete without this man. Forest and I got closer and closer to Trey until eventually I was standing right in front of him.

Tears began to spill from both of our eyes as Trey grabbed onto my hands.

Forrest patted his back before going over to stand next to the groomsmen.

"You look so beautiful." Trey said making me wipe a tear that fell out of his eye.

"Aww baby." I cried making everyone bust out laughing.

Here we are finally getting married and we can't stop crying.

"We are gathered here today, on this happy and joyous occasion, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony." The pastor started to say.

Trey's eyes never left mine & mine never left his as we stared into each other's eyes lovingly.

"Marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honor by all, it is the cornerstone of the family and of the community. It requires of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of one's self. It is not to be entered into lightly, as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to love one another. This commitment symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives and still enhances the individuality of each of you." The pastor explained to everyone.

Trey's grip tightened on my hand making me turn a light pink.

"You may now exchange vows.." The pastor told us.

I nodded towards Trey so he could go first.

"Well first of all I am such a lucky man to be marrying someone as beautiful as you." Trey stated making everyone in the room oo and ah.

I blushed nervously looking down at the ground.

Trey brought my face up towards his.

"You don't know how much you've made me happy these past few couple of years. Once I seen you 15 years ago I knew you were gonna be mine. I can admit I use to be the biggest player out there but you're the only one who can make me settle down. A while ago if anyone would've asked me if I thought I was gonna get married in the future and to you I would've laughed in their face. I never knew what having a family of my own would be like until you and that little girl came into my life. Now you've gave birth to the best son any father could ask for. Thank you for changing me, thank you for giving me my family, and most importantly thank you for being my one and only." Trey said making tears drop out of my eyes.

Everyone clapped for him as he gently kissed the back of my hand.

Soon everyone got quiet again.

I wiped the few tears I have left on my face.

"Trey, you're my world. You've put up with all of the crap I had going on in my life and I'm surprised you even stayed. When we rekindled my love I was in a relationship with my ex-husband, I thought what we had was true love but it wasn't. He turned out to be someone completely different. You were there through it all and always made sure Malia and I were safe. Thank you for putting up with all of my crap and loving me for me. I love you Trey and I'm never gonna stop loving you Trey." I finished off making Trey kiss the back of my hands.

Everyone again clapped making me smile.


"Groom, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" The pastor asked him.

"I do." Trey said with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Bride, do you take this man to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" The pastor asked me.

"I do!" I exclaimed much happier than before.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Was the last thing he said before Trey grabbed me up in my arms and kissed me passionately.

The kiss last for at least a couple of minutes before I pulled away.

"I've been waiting to do that since you walked into this room." Trey announced making everyone chuckle.

After that we jumped the broom and we ran outside to his Porsche with the sign "Just Married" on the back of it.

I giggled as Trey picked me up and put me into the car.

"Alright, now you two have a safe flight and don't worry about the kids. I'm watching them!" April told us shooing us off.

Everyone watched as Trey hopped into the car beside me.

"Have fun brother." Forrest said giving Trey dap.

"Trust me, I will." Trey replied back winking up at me making me blush.

After waving at some of our family members Trey started the car and headed off towards the airport.

He said we were going straight into the honeymoon but I have no clear where we're going at all. I guess it'll just be a surprise. 😉

I'm now officially Mrs. Neverson.

Trey in mm 😍🍫

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