Chapter 5

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♕chapter 5♕

♕ Dante

"How many days do I have left?" I asked my female doctor.

"I really can't say right now. It only depends on how your body holds up with the medicine." She replied back with a sympathetic smile.

I nodded my head and stood up.

"Don't give up." She said putting her hand on my arm gently.

"I might as well give up , this leukemia is killing me." I told her before picking up the bottle of pills and walking out of the room.

Around a half a year ago I was diagnosed with a disease called leukemia and I've been trying to stay strong ever since. leukemia interferes with my red and white cells making me very weak and unless these pills work I won't be around much longer.

I need to tell Diana but I don't think she would care because of all the things I did to her last year. In the past all I cared about was myself and I was very selfish. I wish I could take back all the things that I did but I can't and I hope one day she'll forgive me. I wasn't in my right mind when I was doing those things.

After leaving the hospital I hopped in my car and headed home.


"Hey baby. What did the doctor say?" My fiancé Shante asked.

"Just to keep taking the pills." I replied back sadly looking away from her.

She shook her head and grabbed my face turning it towards her.

"Listen! You're gonna make it baby. If we keep praying and being positive things will be alright. We need you." She encouraged me while rubbing her belly.

After I realized that I would never have Diana back I met Shante who instantly filled her spot. Shante healed my broken heart and for that I love her. I still have feelings for Diana a little bit but Shante's who really has my heart.

"You're right." I said bending down and kissing her on the lips.

"I love you so much Dante." She mumbled in between the kiss.

"I love you more." I replied pulling back from the kiss and looking her in the eye.

Our eyes broke contact when we heard the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it." I said before she could walk off and get the door.

I kissed her cheek before walking over to the door and opening it.

I was surprised to see both Trey and Diana at my door.

"Hello Dante." Diana said with an emotionless face.

Trey stayed silent and just nodded.

I sent him a nod before moving over for them to come in.

"Come in." I motioned as they stepped into my house.

They both walked past me and we went to go sit in the living room including my fiancé who is completely confused about who they are.

"Oh , Diana and Trey this is my new fiancé Shante." I spoke introducing them to each other.

Diana smiled and shook her hand.

"Oh so you're Diana." Shante said smiling at Diana.

I explained everything that happened with Diana including the bad stuff.

"I'm happy to see Dante has moved on." Diana spoke making me roll my eyes.

Diana giggled before sitting on the couch.

Trey and Shante shared a handshake before he sat down besides Diana.

Shante and I sat on the couch across from them.

"First of all I wanna thank you for finally signing the divorce papers!" Diana exclaimed with a wide smile on her face.

I smiled back at her.

It's nice to see her truly happy for once.

"Honestly I had forgotten about not signing them in the first place and when I realized I didn't I signed them." I told her.

She nodded her head and then we sat in silence .

I know there's another reason why she came here so I'm waiting until she opens up about it.

"Dante is everything alright with you?" She blurted out with a worried look on her face.

I don't see any reason to lie so I might as well tell her the truth.

"Well around January I was diagnosed with leukemia." I explained to her making her gasp in shock.

"Are you serious?" She questioned with a upsetting look on her face.

I nodded my head slowly as a tear fell out of her eye.

" could this happen?" She said more to herself then me.

"The doctor said that I'm low on red cells and white cells which makes me weak and if this medicine doesn't work then I could just shut down completely." I explained to her.

Tears are now streaming down her face.

"I can't believe this."

Dante in MM 😊

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