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I clenched my fists, feeling the anger pulsating through my veins as I grabbed the doorknob, giving it a forceful twist. To my frustration, it didn't budge, mocking my attempts to open it.

"I'm beyond angry; I can break it, don't test me," I seethed, my voice laced with venom. I tried again, my frustration escalating into a boiling rage. Just then, a firm hand closed around mine, another resting on the door, effectively trapping me between his arms. It was Kai.

I ignored his touch, my determination to open the door fueling my strength. "FUCK! It's jammed! What the hell!!!" I yelled, my voice echoing my exasperation.

"Oh? That's good!" Kai said, his tone dripping with cockiness, earning himself a smack on the arm from me. He chuckled, infuriating me even more.

"Damn you, Kai. Stay away!" I spat at him, though my back was pressed against his chest. Despite the proximity, I could practically feel the smug smirk on his face.

I was seething with anger, my patience wearing thin. "Open it or say bye to the door. Imma kick it and you," I threatened, turning around to glare at him.

He towered over me, his height emphasizing his confidence. "Really?" he asked, feigning innocence.

I'd had enough of his arrogance. Why wasn't he taking this seriously? I shot him a fiery glare, and he leaned down, our faces dangerously close, a hair's breadth away from a kiss.

"You mad? At me?" he teased, provoking a roll of my eyes.

I refused to answer him, refusing to let my guard down. He persisted, his words hanging in the charged air. "Hm? Tell me," he demanded, his gaze unyielding.

Fine, I thought, begrudgingly admitting his charm. He was the epitome of a boyfriend material right now. "I said stay away, didn't you hear? You cold-ass bastard," I blurted, shoving him away and giving the doorknob one final twist. Finally, it yielded, and I grabbed my shoes, yanking the door open wide.

"Sorry," he mumbled, his tone plain. At that moment, he knew he had fucked up.

I stormed out, my heart pounding with anger and something else, something I refused to acknowledge. As I left, my emotions were a tangled mess—frustration, anger, and beneath it all, a surprising flustered feeling that left me utterly bewildered.

Stay away.

No one loves you, do they?

Stop being a distraction.

You're nothing on your own.

Don't run, Aanya.

"NO!" I gasped, bolting upright from my sleep, my heart racing like a galloping horse. It was a nightmare, a damn nightmare that had left me shaken to the core. I struggled to catch my breath, feeling the weight of fear and adrenaline still coursing through my veins.

As I opened my eyes, there he was—Kai, standing at the edge of my bed, his usually composed face etched with concern. His presence, while reassuring to some, only added to my agitation. I needed to be alone with my thoughts, away from anyone's gaze, especially his.

I gulped hard, my throat dry and constricted. "Go to your room," I said, my voice surprisingly steady despite the lingering tremors. I avoided his gaze, staring fixedly at a spot on the wall as if it held the answers to my turmoil.

He sighed, a sound heavy with understanding, and turned away. The door closed behind him, the soft click resonating through the room. But before he disappeared completely, he cast one last worried glance my way. It was a silent plea, a desire to stay and comfort, but I couldn't bear it. Not right now.

Alone in the room, I let out a shuddering breath, my hands trembling as I ran them through my hair. The nightmare's vivid images still haunted my mind, and I buried my face in my hands, trying to push the memories away.

In the silence that followed, I wrestled with my emotions, the fear, and frustration mingling into a potent cocktail. Kai's concern, while genuine, felt like an intrusion at that moment. I needed solitude to process the nightmare, to convince myself that it was just a dream, that I was safe.

The room felt suffocating, the walls closing in on me. I longed for the solitude of my own thoughts, to grapple with the lingering terror in my own way. As I took a deep breath, I vowed to push through this alone, to conquer the nightmare's grip on my mind and regain my composure.

But even as I steeled myself, a small part of me acknowledged the flicker of gratitude for Kai's concern, buried deep beneath my frustration. Yet, for now, I needed to confront the darkness alone, before I could face the light again.

"It's fine. You are fine." I told myself again and again.

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐍' 𝐈𝐂𝐄 ; kai hiwatariWhere stories live. Discover now