how long has this been going on? ♡

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in which: y/n and jonah's secret relationship gets discovered by y/n's best friend. 

you laid you head down into jonah's chest as you scrolled aimlessly on your phone. the two of you had been resting in the break room before you had to film your next scene. no one was in there, so it was safe to be intimate. he wrapped his arm around you as you snuggled closer to him. 

"how much longer until your next scene, love?" he asked you, your eyes still glued to your phone screen. 

"uhm, good question." you replied, not fully paying attention. you sat there for a moment, not really thinking, your mind in a far away place. luckily, jonah whisked your phone away. 

"focus!" he demanded. with the screen pulled away from your face, you were able to answer his question. 

"thirty minutes." you finally responded. 

"ok. i'll keep you on track." he gave you a light chuckle as he graciously handed you your phone back. 

"oh what would i ever do without you." you spoke sarcastically. he was about to seal the conversation with a light kiss, but the creak of a door opening placed you both upright immediately. you both tried to look unsuspecting as a crew member walked in to grab materials. the man gave the both of you a quick smile before leaving again. 

"my, we have gotten good at that, haven't we?" after almost six months of hiding the relationship, the two of you had become experts at seeming unsuspicious. you two had bene trained to notice the slightest sound of a door, or the low hum of voices .

"yes we definitely have." you confirmed as you laid on top of him once again.  this time he ran a hand through your hair and landed on your back, bringing you even closer to him.  you pressed your lips against his in a soft kiss. 

"what. is going on." you heard. you froze, hearing a voice that was neither yours nor jonah's. 

we're caught. 

you immediately broke out of the kiss and looked up to see who was confronting you. and to your surprise, it was none other than your best friend. the two of you had met on set multiple years back, and had really hit it off. the two of you had been inseparable ever since. you looked up at her, than back at jonah, then to her once more. 

jonah began to stutter, trying to come up with any explanation besides the truth, and you just stayed silent. 

"are you guys-" her mouth was agape and she let out a nervous laugh. "are you guys, y'know? what's happening?" she stuttered. you and jonah were now fully upright, at least a foots distance between the two of you. you glanced at jonah once more, only to be met with a half shrug. 

"i-  well," jonah began to speak. she hummed at jonah, awaiting any response.  you decided to end the awkward conversation with a straight answer

"i'll take this one. look, yes we are together." your best friend was shocked. she thought for a moment before responding to your statement. you glanced over at jonah for a moment before focusing back on your friend. 

"how long has this been going on?" she asked.

"six months." jonah responded quickly. you looked over at him as he reached for your hand. you took it in yours and interlaced your fingers. 

"six months?" she repeated, dumbstruck. she stared into your eyes, waiting for some kind of comment on your part. 

"he's telling the truth." you confirmed. 

"why have i not heard of this?" you knew the question would come up. "i'm your best friend..?" you pondered for a moment, searching for a justifiable answer. 

"well, we have kept it a secret, from everyone. not one of jonah's friends knows either." jonah nodded silently. 

"..ok." your friend responded hesitantly. "if you were so concerned about no one finding out, why would you be on top of eachother in the cast and crew break room? did seriously no one else see you guys?"

"well," you began to answer before stopping and reflecting. how had she snuck up on the two of you without a word?  "actually, how did you enter so silently? usually we would, adjust ourselves at the slightest bit of noise. how did you even get in?" you asked. 

"the door was open? clearly whoever left before left it open." she answered. you suddenly realized you hadn't heard the door click shut after the crew member left. you could see jonah slowly realizing as well, due to the expression on his face. 

"well, i guess the secrets out, but you can't tell anyone ok?" you picked yourself up off the couch and walked over to your friend. 

"i promise." she smiled at you. "but i am sad you didn't tell me, i trust you with my life!" you grinned and glanced down at the floor. 

"sorry about that." you apologized. 

"you guys are cute together, by the way." your friend looked at you, then over to jonah. "but jonah, i swear to god if you hurt her, then don't be surprised if the irs contacts you and tries to put you in jail for tax evasion." 

"what type of threat is that?" you laughed at her strange threat. jonah chuckled as you looked back at him. 

"i'll keep her safe, i promise." he confirmed as he walked towards you and wrapped his arm around you once more. your friend ended the conversation by putting up two fingers and aiming them at herself, and then jonah. the three of you laughed as she exited. 

"she won't tell anyone, right?" jonah asked. you glanced up at him with a cheeky grin on your face. 

"she couldn't lie if her life depended on it. the secret will be out within a week." 

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