first look ♡

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in which: 

Request: I was wondering if you could do one where Jonah and the reader are getting ready for their wedding day and are about to do the first look before the ceremony but before the reader comes out, they send one of the groomsmen in a dress to ease Jonah's nerves before they do the actual first look. 

it was the perfect plan. you stood there, hiding behind the wall that concealed your huge dress. all you could see was a group of men in suits, the groomsmen, and of course, there was jonah. he stood slightly farther from them, separating himself. you were supposed to be getting ready for your first look together, but you had other plans. 

yours and jonah's relationship had always been special. when you met on set a few years back, you always found the most excitement in pulling pranks on the other cast members. when you weren't acting in a scene, you were stood next to jonah, plotting your next prank. the two of you had gotten insanely good at executing said pranks, as if you were secret agents. every prank was planned swiftly, and executed perfectly. no one ever saw the pranks coming, and the two of you were never caught. 

a few days before the wedding, you had decided that it was time for one final prank. this time, on jonah. you had coordinated with one of his best friends, who happened to be his best man, and plotted. You were going to purchase some cheap white dress off of the internet, get him zipped up, and send him out for the first look instead of you. it was golden. every single groomsmen was in on it, and not one of them had told jonah. 

"are you ready?" you turned to the man on your side, now dressed up fully in a white dress. you could not take him seriously. the sight of him made you want to burst into obnoxious laughter. he looked at you with a conniving smirk, therefore answering your question without words. 

"ready as i'll ever be, y/n. I'm a grown 28 year old man, standing in a white dress that barely fits me, and i'm about to go surprise the living hell out of my best friend. i'm ready for everything. ready for the prank, and also ready to get out of this horrible dress." you chuckled at his answer, but quickly shut up at the risk of jonah hearing you. you gave him a quick pat on the back, and texted one of the other groomsmen. 


we are ready.


this is going to be so good.

after sending the text, you placed your phone down on the table and glanced into the room. you watched as the men all gathered jonah and placed him in the perfect spot. through the low rumble of their quiet chatter, which mostly consisted of "are you ready?" and "you should be excited," you could pick out his voice. 

"i've waited lifetimes for this." you heard. you felt your heart speed up. his words had a way of comforting you. the ways he expressed his love through them, and everything about them was perfect. everything about him was perfect. everything about today was perfect. you glanced back at the best man. 

"ok, he has his back turned. let's do this." you nodded at him and he nodded back. most of the groomsmen had their phones out, which may have raised suspicion on jonah's part. you watched as the best man walked out, bouquet of flowers in his hand. you tried to stifle your laughter as you watched this disaster waiting to happen unfold. 

you saw jonah's chest rise and fall as he began to turn. you're sure he took a deep breath to calm his nerves. 

everything happened so fast. when he finally managed to turn, he seemed to cycle through all of his emotions. first, he was confused. that was for approximately 0.7 seconds before he immediately looked concerned, and then he finally burst out into laughter. all of this happened in about a second. the look on his face was priceless. 

"what the hell are you doing!" you heard him yell out at his best man. the groomsmen beside him were practically rolling on the floor laughing. he shoved your accomplice, awaiting a response. 

"she wanted to pull one final prank." he said, through tears from his laughter. jonah rolled his eyes.

"on our wedding day?" he asked. he gestured for the rest of them to calm down as he turned back to the best man. 

"dude, she's been planning this for like a week now." he adjusted his ridiculous looking dress, and threw his bouquet to the crowd of groomsmen. it did not help them to calm down. 

"that definitely sounds like my fiancee." he nodded his head "seriously, where is she? i'm pretty sure our wedding starts in like, 45 minutes."  you couldn't hide any longer. you fixed your dress one final time, brushed your hand through your hair, and revealed yourself. 

"you're looking at her." you said. everyone seemed to pivot on their feet and stare at you. it felt like you were already walking down the aisle. you looked directly at jonah as he took a deep breath and got a good look at you. he turned away for a second, but it wasn't long before he turned on his feet and looked back at you again. he grabbed you by the waist. 

"you look so beautiful. oh my god" you could see his eyes getting watery. he glanced up the sky to try to get rid of them. you couldn't help but laugh. "so, this whole prank, was your idea?" he gestured to his friend, in the dress. you nodded proudly at your good work and he pulled you in even closer. you wanted to kiss him the way he wanted to kiss you, but you managed to twirl away from him before he could do anything. his groomsmen noticed and pulled him away from you. 

"woah woah woah. you're going to have to wait until you are under the altar for that." the best man said. the party of groomsmen behind him all laughed as he rolled his eyes once more. you couldn't help but giggle along with his friends. 

through all of this laughter and joy, any thoughts of doubt left your mind. you could tell that he was definitely the one. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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