S1 E6 - Chaos at the forest

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Twittle: It is quite an enjoyable walk out here, EUGH EUGH EUGH.

Twilat: Indeed! But I gotta ask, how did you end up getting that condition?

Twittle: You mean when I gag uncontrollably? I don't know, it's a lung proEUGHblem.

Twilat: You don't get medicine for that?

Twittle: Those stupid ass scientists haven't found a cure yet so I'm doEUGHmed to speak likeEUGH this for the rest of EUGH my life, EUGH EUGH.

Twilat: Damn those scientists, why don't they try to cure that instead of curing much more important things like cancer?

Twittle: I know, but at least they don't spend summer break staring at the sky all day, EUGH.

Twilat: It's been boring isn't it? I get that.

Twittle: (lightbulbs appears on top of her head) Wait, I have an EUGH idea!

Twilat: Which one?

Twittle: Let's do a EUGH sleepover!

Twilat: That sounds good, except we don't have a house.

Twittle: True... Guess we'll use the wild as a house then, EUGH EUGH EUGH.

Twilat: Let's call the others!

Twittle: SurEUGHEUGH.

Twilat: Cathorn!

Cathorn: What now?

Twittle: Wanna EUGH participate at our sleepover that's happening tonight?

Cathorn: Sleepover? But you guys don't even have houses.

Twittle: So what? Let's just pretend EUGH EUGH.

Cathorn: Well I'm not so sure, but I am your friend, I might be going.

Twittle: Sweught!

Grubby: Hello fellow companions.

Twittle: You came in the right EUGH time, cuz I was about to invite you to our sleepover, Cathorn said she's going.

Cathorn: I said I might be going!

Grubby: Well I can go, I have nothing to do, where will it be and what hours?

Twittle: Any hour and and right here.

Twilat: What!

Grubby: Oh so it's starting now?

Twittle: Yeah I guess, EUGH EUGH EUGH EUGH EUGH.

Twilat: Hey guys, wanna go ring on random people's doorbells?

Twittle: OH MY GOD YES!!

Grubby: YES!

Cathorn: I was hoping this would happen.

(They walk up to a house and ring the doorbell then run away)

Ragoon: If it's the loan shark I already told you that I don't own this house- Oh it's Mr. Invisible man! Come inside for a drink. (Closes door)

(They go on a forest and knock on the bushes then run away again)

Tahtab: You damn kids get off my property!

(They see an abandoned building and knock on the door anyway, then run away)

Vesperatu: Yeah what is it- (immediately crumbles because of the sunlight)

(They go to another house, Twilat recognizes it)

Twilat: (snickering) Oh man! Not my uncle's house!

Twittle: EUGH this is gonna be the best one yet. (Knocks on door)

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