S1 E11 - Girl without the drip

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(the door for the Loomian Lab is opened by none other than Fevine)

Fevine: Huh, not everything is in shambles like I expected.

Weevolt: I hope you get hit by a meteor and Godzilla has a stroke and fall on you bitch.

Fevine: Calm down I was just playing around.... where's Dripple?

Weevolt: Went to buy antidotes.

Vambat: For what?

Weevolt: To cure Embit, Snocub and Eaglit.

Vambat: He's a fucking idiot, I'll tell you what, those only work on poisoned loomians, man even I'm not that stupid.

Weevolt: I know right? I told him that, but he just preached some BS about "Don't knock until you try it!!" Fucking hipster, heh, haha, HAHEHA-

Vambat: Why do you sound high?

Weevolt: It's because I am, Eaglit was being a fuckin asshole...

Vambat: Yeah, and the sky is blue.

(Vambat and Weevolt's conversation drown out as it shifts the focus to Fevine, who's checking on the others)

Fevine: So, do any of you wanna tell me what happened while I was gone?

Snocub: Well, Eaglit and Weevolt kind of argued, and Embit scared the shit out of everyone.

Fevine: Woah!

Snocub: What?

Fevine: I never thought I'd hear you use swear words.

Snocub: C'mon everyone in this lab says them, how do you want me to not get influenced?

Fevine: Anyway, I wanna know more, so, what did Eaglit and Weevolt argue about? And is that the reason why Eaglit is so quiet?

Snocub: Well, I didn't hear alot of it, but I saw them fighting for a lighter to heat up Embit.

Fevine: Wait why? I mean, I get that he's a fire type, but why a lighter?

Snocub: Well he was cold to the touch and wasn't seemingly conscious.

Fevine: Oh... But he's better now, right?

Embit: Well yeah, I'm still alive, unfortunately.

Fevine: Don't say that.

(Meanwhile, with Dripple...)

Dripple: Well, I haven't found anything useful, but this waterfall is pretty awesome, I should visit here more often, if crazy trainers didn't try to catch me, that is.

(And so, he crosses all the way back to go to the mushroom path, but he notices the familiar girl, she doesn't immediately spot him but she seems to be talking to herself)

Familiar Girl: Wow, you like to make things complicated, don't you? But I don't care, you're gonna enter my loomidisc, whether you like it or not!

Dripple: (immediately shuts up)

Slugling: Hey, you're back!

Dripple: SSSSHHHH.

Slugling: Huh, wha...

Dripple: (whispers) Shut up, Please.

Girl: Huh, what was that? (Looks around)

Sugling: Hey it's that girl you talked to me about, right?

Dripple: I TOLD YOU TO- (Gasps) Oh shit.

Familiar Girl: Aha! Found you! (Throws Loomidisc)


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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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