07 | Curtain Call

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Preston grumbled, his social battery low, and worried about his love all throughout his theatre meet. He'd agreed to stay after and clean up to get his mind off of Harrison, but now he wasn't entirely sure why he did. His mind always went back to Harry.

This was no time to brood, however, it was time to finally put all the stuff away. Alas, Preston saw light and the end of the auditorium.

That was until Preston heard talking from the east hallway. That's... odd, by now, the custodians would've already cleaned that hall, and would now be in the western halls. Who was it?

Preston figured the supplies could wait. Worst case scenario, somebody broke in. Best case, they just returned back to the eastern halls. Preston just had to know.

He cautiously tip-toed his way through the auditorium, careful to make as minimal noise as possible. Maybe somebody did break it! Then, he wouldn't of wanted to be heard.

He had to crouch so only his eyes peeked out the small window of the auditorium door. A tall man with three teenagers (one taller than him, one ever-so-slightly shorter than him, and one who was extremely short compared to himself) were conversing.

The man he recognized as Mr. Ravenport, but the other three he still didn't. He did, however, notice that their outfits were from the Port Damar's Military School for Boys, a few towns over. One of his classmates transferred there last year.

The boys were carring different things, the tall one had a cart of tables, the medium one carried a bunch of books, and the small one had two water jugs.

"Now, boys, I've recently discovered an old facilty building that has not been used since 2006! This, is perfect!" Ravenport said.

"Sir, permission the speak." The medium one said. Preston took note as to how he looked, how he spoke. The boy seemed to have a 1000-mile-stare and a monotone voice. He didn't look completely... there.

"Granted, Edward!" Ravenport spoke enthusiastically.

"The security cameras are on." The boy— Edward spoke.

"Do you think I'm an idiot, Edward?"

"No, sir."

"Then why wouldn't you assume that I've planned ahead?"

"I am unsure, sure."

"Exactly. Now, I'll have you recite Ultralord Xëmug's Etheral Praise twice tonight, understood?"

"Yes, sir."

The small one looked towards the door. SHIT.

He shrunk against the door, pressing his back against it, and cradling his knees. They'd kill him, wouldn't they? He wouldn't doubt it. He was dead meat.

"Petrol. Look, the door." Preston heard Ravenport's voice declare.

Preston assumed Petrol was the tall one, as he'd have the easiest ability to look through the window. Preston could feel the terror in his chest as he began to tear up.

Petrol doesn't speak, but gives a disapproving grunt. Maybe they.. they didn't see him.

"Eyes ahead, Billy. We musn't take longer than the custodians."

He hears them leave. Preston sighs before he feels the bile rise in his throat.

Preston races to a trash can before his lunch falls out of him. He wipes his teary eyes and rest his elbows on the side of the trashcan, shoving his palms into his sockets.

Preston struggles to put the extra theatre supplies away, taking 15 more minutes than he usually would.

His heart races, but not in that good, hot way, that it should for theatre.

Who would he tell? Who would he say? WHAT DID HE JUST SEE?

As Preston locks the supply closet door, his mind is set on nobody but his friends. The club members for TAP.

He's sure to walk as fastly and swiftly as possible to his car before climing in the front seat and whipping out his phone.


Guys. I just saw some shit after theatre.  I need a full-on, group discussion asap. I'm being serious.


The instance of Preston using proper grammar and punctuation was rare. He hoped he get the message across.

There's something else to Ravenport.

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