13 | I Don't Want To Die, Pt 1.

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The group sits around a backyard campfire at Ered's place, the ten of them looking at eachother wearily. Harrison had just told them of the previous night's events from his vision. It was not good, the lot of them rightfully distressed.

Nobody knew when these events would occur, and Harrison was mentally drained from all of the premonitions he'd had.

Max buried his head in his hands. "What the fuck is even going on.." he sighed.

The dread was evident on everyone's faces. They hadn't even made it to highschool, and they were going to die.

"What if we call the police?" Junior asks reluctantly from his seat beside Neil.

"Sure, they'd believe a bunch of kids who got their information from a psychic." Nurf replies sarcastically, running one of his pale, freckled hands through his red hair. "No offense, Harrison. Sorry."

Harrison nodded tiredly and Nurf, his eyes still downcast. "We have to do something, though.." Preston sighs.

"David knew something we didn't..," Dolph announced. "He was in Harrison's first vision, right? We could ask him."

Neil groaned and turned to Dolph. "What if he doesn't tell us?"

"He will, dude." Ered assured. "He cracks soooo easily under pressure."

Neil glanced at his watch, which read 1:27 PM. He sighs. "He shouldn't be busy if someone wants to call."

Preston, who's holding Harrison's hand tightly, speaks. "I could. Since I've been the only actual one to... um, see them. In action." He takes his phone out of his pocket with his shaky, free hand. The other nine look at him with various expressions of interest and expectancy.

He dialed the number slowly and fearfully. The phone rang, and rang... everbody looked around doubtfully. Then, his voicemail.

'Howdy, there! You've reached David T. Rosenthal! Unfortunately, I can't make to the phone right now, but feel free to leave a message!' The phone beeped and Preston began talking.

"David, this is Preston with the rest of TAP. We need to talk to you, as soon as possible. This is urgent. Get back whenever you can." Preston gulped as he sent the message. He texted David, too, for good measure.

Minutes go by of Preston just starung at his phone, reloading the conversation like clockwork. Dolph begins crying. But then, something changes. David sees the message, but he doesn't respond.

Nikki notices the change in Preston's demeanor and asks, "did he respond?"

"No. But he... he saw it. Something's wrong." Preston stated boldly. He stood up.

"Where are you going?" Max piques, his voice rougher and grittier then usual.

Preston inhaled deeply. "To David's house. He could've gotten... taken, by the cult."

Harrison and Nerris stood up aswell, compelled to follow their friend. Junior, Dolph, Nurf, and Ered soon after. They looked at Neil, Max, and Nikki with varying looks of quelled dismay. The three soon got up and followed.

The group of ten split between Preston and Nurf's cars, five in each. Preston looked ahead at the road bleakly, following Nurf. Harrison was in the passenger's seat, with Nikki, Nerris, and Dolph in the back.

The drive was quiet. Silent, even. Nobody said anything until they pulled into David's driveway, noting the second vehicle that was there. David wasn't home alone.

The ten simultaneously piled out of the cars as one brave soul- which was eventually Neil, decided to go up to the door and knock. The other nine, the cowardly bastards that they were, stayed in the driveway.

Neil knocked once, twice, three tines before David answered. He looked a bit disheveled, tired, possibly afraid.

"Oh- hello, Neil!" However, no matter his outside look, his inside look was always sunshine and rainbows, apparently. "What did you need, kiddo? Y'know you can always call or text."

"Preston called. He texted." Neil stated. David looked like he was about to object, but Neil cut him off. "You saw it David. We need to talk. All of us."

"All... of you? Are you all here!?" David almost slipped when he moved the door on accident. His footing had gotten messier aswell.

"All of us." The other nine had taken this as their cue to step forward, surrounding their peer as if they were about to mug David on his own property.

"....All of you," David repeated as if in disbelief. "Listen, kids, I have Daniel- er, Mr. Ravenport here.... I- I can't,"

"Can't what? Our shit is probably more important." Max sneered. "David, you dickface, we're going to die!"

David looked at them in shock before he let out a breath nobody knew he was holding. "Come in."

Mr. Ravenport was seated in the living room, a lukewarm half-dranken cup of hot chocolate in his hands. He looked his usual eerie chipper as he waved at the students oddly.

David pulled them into the kitchen, which all of them surprisingly fit in. "Alright, uh- David. We- I- I have something to share before we start." Harrison looks at David worriedly. The poor kid looks traumatized.

"Yes..., Harrison?" David asks. He doesn't know if he really wants to know.

"I'm a psychic. I have been, my whole life. And uh, my visions have been about Ravenport-" Harrison sighs. David looks at him in disdain. "Ravenport and his underlings are going to kill people. A lot of people."

David looked at them in shock once more before the surprised look on his face turned to one of dismay. "Harrison, you can't have-- visions-- you can't."

"He's going to kill us!" Harrison shouts at the teacher, something wildly out of character for him. He looks on the brink of tears. "Can't you get it? He's going to kill us all and you're not listening!"

David hears motion in the room over but chooses to ignore it.

"He's not going to kill us, kiddo... you've.." David gulps nervously. "You've been watching too many horror movies."

"Are you fucking serious?" Nerris adds. Junior whimpers at the yelling.

The group of eleven slowly find it harder to breathe and/or blink, nevermind argue. Neil doubles down in a coughing fit before he passes out. Dolph screams.

Then Preston.

Then Nikki.

Then Junior.

Followed by Nerris.

Nurf and Ered go down next.

Dolph next.

Harrison falls.

Then Max before David finally does, too, but not before spotting a menacing Daniel looming in the kitchen's doorway.

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