18 | Bleach-Scented Gore

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[TW: Blood, Murder, Major Character Death]

Christmas Eve, 2019

Harrison could hardly think, breathe, or manage to take in anything around himself. His head pounded and he just didn't feel real anymore. Anything was the bright, disturbing red from his vision.

He sat up. He heard sobbing. Very, very aggressive sobbing from Neil. He was crying into Max's shoulder, who eventually shrugged him off awkwardly (he wasn't being rude; he didn't know what to do), allowing Nurf to be there instead.

Preston sat next to Harrison's laying form on the bed. He was crying, too. Softer, but still crying. Preston was holding Harrison's hand.

Harrison struggled to scooch over a actually hug his friend. He wiped the blood from his facial orifices and did his best.

Neil let out a final shaky sob and stepped away from Nurf, shortly apologizing for his behavior, before he claims; "I'm going to fucking kill him."

The door opens, causing them all to flinch or shy away.

David stood there, shotgun in hand. His hair was dishelved and he looked tired. "We're leaving. Now!" He demands, his usually happy and supportive attitude melted away to form an amalgamation of an angry, protective one.

Harrison stood up shakily and Preston linked their arms together. They simultaneously file out of the room. Neil continued to look absolutely enraged.

The group was stalking around the halls, attempting not to be caught by the very people (or person) they were trying to escape.

While they walked the halls, a familiar sense of Déjà Vu washed over Harrison. He knew the halls... but in a very different way. He remembered the halls from one of his more recent visions (not the headache that caused him to bleed).

A sheen of sweat was on Harrison's forehead as the feeling of terror maintained in his gut. He couldn't do this again. He couldn't. But, then, he remembered. He didn't do it again.  Thank Xëmug. Wait- fuck, no- not Xëmug.

Harrison was in a daze for a majority of the walk. He rubbed his forehead, wiped away the sweat, but his face was still hot.

The group came upon twin windowless doors. Harrison swallowed.

David reached out for the handle. Harrison felt the need to shout; "This is it. Don't open it." His breath staggered. "They're in there, but so are the corpses." His voice was scratchy from the.. the vision.

The hair on the back of Harrison's neck stood up, he got goosebumps. He could barely hear the voices on the other side. He looked at the same spot he'd been in his previous vision.

"We have to run. Now!" He shouts. Preston, whose arm is still linked with his, takes Harrison, Nerris, Nurf, and Ered and split to the right. Dolph, Max, and Junior split left, Neil and David don't move. David raises the gun.

The door slammed open, the pooled blood grossly spilling out on the (previously) sterile white tile floor. "Get them. Now." Daniel demanded. "By any means necessary."

Harrison heard one of the understudies behind them, believing it to be Stephen, as the heavy footsteps and grunting commands give it away.

The five (Harrison, Nerris, Ered, Preston, and Nurf) are sprinting down the hallway for their dear lives. The cat-and-mouse chase is paused when the group reaches a dead end. Harrison thinks his fear will kill him before this cult can.

He hears a yell. No, a scream. But it's not David, it can't be. Stephen turns around and high-tails it in the direction they all came from, having forgotten the initial command. His red, bloody footprints stain the perfectly white tile.

"David!" Nerris yells, tears pricking their eyes. The five look around at eachother, distraught. Nurf starts sprinting the other way, followed by Nerris, then Ered, and then the conjoined two.

They run the way back, despite they danger, they feel like they need to, as in an underlying sense of protectiveness.

The others were engaged in a harsh fight, Daniel having taken the shotgun from David's hands. Neil and Billy were fist-fighting (sort of, Neil was kind of horrible), Pikeman looked like he was having a breakdown, and various other campers were an array of frozen in place or hurt.

Harrison's hand clamp over his mouth. Preston shouts something unintelligible. Nurf goes in to help David, swinging wildly and the blond man.

Pikeman stiffens like a board. He slowly but surely makes his way over to the three fighting people, and attempts to take the gun out of Daniel's arms. He yells out. "Go to hell!"

Nurf and David step back at Pikeman's agression. Pikeman kicks, punches, bites, whatwver he needs to.

Daniel turns the gun and smacks Pikeman in the temple with the stock; causing the redhead to fall on his back, temporarily dazed.

He turns the gun and aims it on Pikeman's head. And he pulls the trigger. Pikeman's blood splatters on the already traumatized floor tiles. He hits the ground violently and falls dead at eighteen years old.

Billy and Stephen stop anything they were trying previously. Their mouths are agape in disbelief. "Sir!" Billy yells before rushing over to the dead man with Petrol in tow.

David's hands become fists as he goes in for the hit on Daniel. Daniel smacks David with the gun, too, but David is not deferred.

The two tussle, but Daniel doesn't fire yet. Back and forth they go. David's winning, then Daniel's winning, vice versa, it just keep happening.

The gun goes off. David screams as blood pours out of his neck in spurts.

David isn't dead as quickly as Pikeman, though, and manages to knock the gun from Daniel's hands before he goes limp.

The gun lands in front of Neil. Neil picks it up.

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