Chapter 1

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Maelys waved her parents off at the central station in Liège, where the train to Paris was departing. She had a large suitcase filled with all her personal belongings and clothes, ready to leave everything behind for her dream. Her parents expressed their concerns, but Maelys reassured them and made a pact with her father to give it her all for one year; after that, she would need to find "a real job". She loved her parents deeply, but since she had been living away from home for a while, she felt a growing distance between them. Nevertheless, she would do anything to make them proud.

On the train to Paris, it was stuffy and crowded, with several crying children—a bothersome sight. Starting a family was far from Maelys' mind. The idea of settling down with a house, a partner, and children made her feel trapped and anxious. Relationships had never been a priority for her, and after a few bad experiences, she had a habit of running away when things got tough. She was incredibly nervous, so she put on her headphones and closed her eyes, hoping to catch some sleep before arriving in Paris.

Upon arriving at Paris Gare de l'Est, she looked for her friend Zohra amidst the bustling crowd. Maelys and Zohra had been friends for years, doing everything together, including dancing. However, when Zohra left for Paris for auditions and never returned due to her sudden success, they lost touch. Zohra wasn't very active on social media, leaving Maelys wondering how she might look now.

After searching through the crowd for ten minutes, she spotted a girl with long dark curly hair. She wore colorful baggy pants and a lace blouse. Maelys recognized Zohra immediately and approached her with excitement. When Zohra and Maelys stood face to face, they fell silent, taking a moment to really look at each other before bursting into laughter and embracing. "I've missed you so much! Even the busiest city in Europe isn't interesting without you," Zohra exclaimed as she took Maelys' suitcase. "Well, from what I've heard, you're doing just fine here, show after show. You're living the dream!" Maelys teased Zohra as she draped an arm over her shoulder.

As they walked toward the parking garage, Maelys couldn't help but notice they were heading towards one of the most expensive cars in the garage—a silver Mercedes G-Class. Maelys sighed in disbelief. "Is this your car?!" Zohra chuckled and nodded in agreement. "I work hard, and luckily, I can afford nice things. Just wait until you see my apartment," she said, winking at Maelys.

Arriving at Zohra's apartment, Maelys noticed that they were entering the garage of a large, pristine white building that hadn't yet been stained by the city's exhaust fumes. Once inside Zohra's apartment, Maelys could immediately tell that Zohra was making a lot of money as a dancer. The massive windows offered a stunning view of the Eiffel Tower and the rest of the city. This was precisely what Maelys wanted, and that's why she had reached out to Zohra in the first place. 

Maelys unpacked her belongings in the guest room and, upon returning to the living room, found Zohra already making tea. "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" Zohra asked as she poured two cups of tea. "Yes, sounds great! Show me some of the city's best spots," Maelys replied as she settled comfortably on the large corner sofa adorned with numerous throw pillows. "You have a beautiful apartment here, Zohra. It must cost a pretty penny, doesn't it?" Zohra nodded and sat down beside her. "Fortunately, I didn't have to spend much time in those tiny rooms in the Parisian back alleys; that's a true nightmare." 

Zohra explained that she had received this apartment through one of her agents, and it was 80% subsidized as long as she continued booking shows. Maelys was relieved to be staying with Zohra until she could find a comfortable apartment of her own, if she could make that happen at all.

A few hours later, both women were dressed up and ready to explore the city. They took Zohra's car towards Montmartre, the artistic district of Paris. This neighborhood was situated atop a hill, offering a breathtaking view of Paris, and Maelys couldn't help but be captivated by it. After parking the car and strolling through the area, Maelys quickly realized that Zohra was a well-known figure there. People approached her, eager to chat. 

"You can find some delicious food here, and the owner is a sweetheart," Zohra said, pointing to a small restaurant covered in ivy. It was adorned with charming fairy lights, creating a cozy atmosphere inside. "Oh, how lovely! Shall we dine there if they have a table available?" Maelys asked hesitantly as all the tables were occupied. Zohra walked confidently inside, and within minutes, a table was set up for them. "The owner and I used to date," she whispered in Maelys' ear. Maelys giggled and took a seat at the elegantly set table. 

They had an incredibly enjoyable evening, sharing stories about the years they had spent apart. Maelys could feel the strong bond they once had rekindling, and she looked forward to spending more time together in Paris.

After their last drink, Zohra went to settle the bill, but they were informed that it had already been paid by a gentleman. Zohra turned around and waved to an older man sitting at the bar. He had gray, glossy hair and wore a sleek dark suit. He appeared very serious and intimidating to Maelys, but when he spotted Zohra, he flashed her a broad smile. "Is that the owner you used to date?" Maelys asked Zohra, surprised. She laughed and shook her head. 

"That's Lucien Gallet, the investor of the club where I made my breakthrough. He saw potential in me and introduced me to some big names in the industry. I owe my current success to him." Maelys looked at the man again; he had already turned away and seemed uninterested in her. "Would you like to see it?" Zohra asked, looking at Maelys. "The club where I used to work," she added for clarification. "Oh, yes, please! Is it nearby? My feet are killing me in these heels," Maelys said with a laugh. Zohra nodded, and they walked a few streets away.

At the end of the street, they reached a Y-shaped junction, and in between the streets lay a massive glass building mostly covered with dark blue curtains from the inside. From the outside, spotlights were visible, and the music could be heard from the street. As they entered, Zohra warned Maelys, "I must tell you, it's not what you'd expect from me, but it's a fantastic place, and I've had some incredible times here." 

Once inside, Maelys felt the warmth and dim lighting. They handed their coats to the doorman and ascended a grand spiral staircase. Upon reaching the top, they entered a massive hall with a glass dome as the roof. In the center was a large round bar with a few people seated there. Further forward in the hall were small tables with candles. Maelys couldn't help but notice the prominent stage. The same beautiful blue curtains served as a backdrop. 

When the music stopped, and the black curtain descended from the stage, Maelys grabbed Zohra's arm. "What's happening now?" she asked, her voice filled with uncertainty. Zohra replied, "It's time for a new show. Come, let's sit at the bar." After taking her seat, the music started, and the curtain began to rise slowly. 

To her surprise, she only now realized that she had ended up in a Burlesque club, where scantily-clad ladies danced sensuously on the stage, wielding large feather fans. She turned to Zohra, who was enjoying the show with a drink in her hand. Maelys decided to give it a chance and turned her chair to face the stage. She was captivated by what she saw, and after the show, she turned to Zohra and exclaimed, "This is what I want to do! How can I get there?" Zohra laughed and quickly glanced around. 

A minute later, she waved to an older lady with short dark hair who had caught her attention. The lady wore a stunning, long diamond-studded dress. As she approached, Maelys watched her closely. When she stood before Zohra, they embraced and began talking. Maelys looked at the two of them, her question still unanswered. 

"Hélène, this is Maelys. She's one of my oldest friends and has just as much passion for dance as I do. Maelys, meet Hélène; she's the owner of this club. Is it possible for her to try out here one evening?" Zohra asked, turning to Maelys. Maelys jumped out of her seat and shook Hélène's hand. "I loved the show!" Hélène examined Maelys from head to toe and finally said, "If you want to dance here, you'll have to prove yourself first. Tomorrow night, you can try out when the venue is less crowded. Zohra, could you make sure she learns one of the routines?" Zohra nodded and smiled at Maelys. "Oh, thank you so much! You won't regret this!" Maelys was ecstatic; her first evening in Paris had been a great success.

Back at home, Zohra and Maelys both headed to bed quickly, exhausted. With a view of the Eiffel Tower from her bedroom window, Maelys drifted off to sleep.

Montmartre Masquerade: A Burlesque TaleWhere stories live. Discover now