Chapter 4

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The next morning, Maelys awoke with a throbbing headache, the remnants of last night's celebration echoing in her temples. She rubbed her temples, trying to shake off the lingering effects of the drinks. Her eyes fluttered open, and she groaned softly as the sunlight filtered through the curtains, accentuating her pounding headache. As she blinked away the drowsiness, Zohra entered the room, a concerned look on her face, with a glass of water and two pain relievers in her hand.

"Here, take these. You'll need them," Zohra said, offering the pills and the glass.

Maelys gratefully accepted the water and medicine, swallowing them down with a sense of relief. She looked at Zohra and managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Zohra. I appreciate it. I might have overdone it last night."

Zohra sat down on the edge of the bed, studying Maelys with a knowing expression. "You had a great time, didn't you? I can tell. Laurent couldn't take his eyes off you."

Maelys felt her cheeks flush as the memory of Laurent's presence last night flooded back. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

Zohra chuckled softly. "Maelys, I've seen that look before. He was mesmerized by you, and I can't blame him. But we need to talk about maintaining professionalism."

Maelys nodded earnestly, realizing the importance of maintaining professionalism in their competitive industry. She knew Zohra was giving her valuable advice, but deep down, she couldn't deny that Laurent had left an indelible impression on her. She hadn't felt this way about a man in a very long time.

In the afternoon, as they were going about their day, Zohra's phone rang. She picked up, and her face grew serious as she spoke. It was Hélène, and her tone indicated that they needed to be at the club immediately for an important discussion. They quickly dressed and left for the club.

Maelys donned a pair of well-fitted jeans with a black tube top that showcased her dancer's physique. She completed the look with colorful Jordans that added a touch of flair. Zohra opted for a dark green lace dress, exuding elegance, and knee-high leather boots that gave her an edge.

When they arrived at the club, the anticipation in the air was palpable. The club was a hive of activity, with dancers rehearsing, staff preparing for the evening, and a buzz of excitement enveloping the place. To their surprise, both Laurent and Lucien were already there.

Laurent's eyes immediately sought Maelys out, and he wasted no time approaching her. Remembering Zohra's advice, Maelys maintained a polite but professional distance. This shift in her behavior seemed to puzzle Laurent, who had expected the same warm interaction as the night before.

Hélène approached them, her demeanor businesslike, and summoned Maelys for a private conversation. Maelys followed her to a more secluded corner of the club, curious and slightly anxious. Hélène's expression was inscrutable as she scrutinized Maelys.

"You were exceptional last night," Hélène said, her voice measured.

Maelys felt a rush of joy at the praise. "Thank you so much, Hélène. I was thrilled to be a part of the team."

Hélène's response was polite but reserved. "You've earned yourself a spot as a dancer, Maelys. Congratulations. You'll be performing tonight."

Maelys beamed, grateful for the opportunity and determined to prove her worth. However, a subtle tension lingered in the air. Hélène's gaze shifted from Maelys to Laurent and Zohra, a subtle reminder of the impending competition with the new club.

Lucien took a step forward and introduced himself to Maelys. She had heard many positive stories about him and let him know as much. The exchange was polite, and it was clear that Lucien was an influential figure in the club's history.

Maurice, the bartender, was already present and occupied with setting up the bar for the evening. As Zohra engaged in discussions with Hélène and Laurent about the night ahead, Maelys decided to have a chat with Maurice. He greeted her with a friendly smile, and a sense of camaraderie began to develop between them.

As the hours passed, it became apparent that the grand opening of the new club was drawing near. The tension was mounting, and everyone was on edge. Maelys couldn't help but glance around the club, sensing the anticipation and rivalry in the air.

The evening was about to begin, and Maelys felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The opportunity to dance on such a prestigious stage was a dream come true, but the enigmatic allure of Laurent added a layer of complexity she hadn't anticipated. As she prepared herself for her performance, she couldn't help but wonder how the night would unfold, and if her professional demeanor could withstand the allure of the evening ahead.

In the intimate ambiance of the dressing room, Zohra and Maelys went through the final steps of a new dance routine, Maelys' movements becoming more fluid and synchronized with every repetition. The air was filled with excitement and determination, and Maelys couldn't help but be amazed by Zohra's expertise. She had a way of making the intricate steps look effortless, and Maelys was eager to emulate her grace.

As they practiced, Zohra's eyes met Maelys's in the mirror, and she gave her an encouraging smile. "You're doing great, Maelys. Your progress is impressive. Just remember to keep your focus and confidence up on stage. You'll do brilliantly."

Maelys nodded, her breath quickening from the exertion of their dance. "Thanks, Zohra. Your guidance means the world to me. But I can't help but feel nervous about tonight."

Zohra chuckled, placing her hands on Maelys's shoulders and guiding her through the routine once more. "Nerves are natural, especially for your first few performances. But it's that adrenaline that will make your performance even more electrifying. You'll see, once you step onto that stage, you'll shine."

After they finished practicing, Zohra opened a wardrobe and took out a new outfit for Maelys. It was a stunning black leather bustier, an incredibly short leather shorts, and a sexy fishnet pantyhose. "This is your outfit for tonight. You'll look fantastic in it," Zohra remarked as she handed it to Maelys.

Maelys couldn't help but admire the ensemble's boldness and sensuality. "Wow, it's incredible. Thank you, Zohra."

With a quick change into the new outfit, Maelys emerged from the dressing room, feeling like a whole new person. The garments clung to her figure and accentuated her natural beauty, giving her a newfound sense of confidence.

As they finished getting ready, Maelys couldn't help but notice the tension in the air. She turned to Zohra, her voice laced with curiosity. "Zohra, everyone seems on edge today. What's going on? And where are you headed later tonight?"

Zohra hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "Maelys, I'm afraid I can't share too much right now. But there's a special event happening tonight. As for why everyone's tense, it's because we're facing some competition. But don't worry."

Maelys nodded, sensing that there were details being kept from her. She trusted Zohra and decided not to press further.

Just as they were about to leave the dressing room, Maelys shifted the topic. "Zohra, what's the deal with Laurent? He's been looking at me strangely. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing."

Zohra's expression grew a bit more serious as she considered Maelys' question. She knew her friend had noticed the attention from Laurent. "Laurent is a complex person, Maelys. He has his charms, but he's also quite enigmatic. Don't let his gaze distract you. Just remember to maintain professionalism in every situation, and you'll be fine."

They shared a meaningful look, understanding the unspoken words. Zohra couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy herself, but she pushed those emotions aside. She was there to support Maelys, and her success meant everything to her.

As they left the dressing room, Maelys was still excited about her upcoming performance. However, an air of mystery hung over the evening, leaving her with a sense of both anticipation and uncertainty.

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