Chapter 5

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In the bustling dressing room of L'Éclat de Minuit, Hélène, Zohra, and Laurent were preparing for the night ahead. The music from the ongoing performance in the main room echoed through the walls, creating a frenetic ambiance that filled the air with anticipation.

Hélène, with her customary perfectionism, was meticulously focused on the final details of her makeup. Her hands moved gracefully as she applied each stroke, ensuring she looked flawless for the evening. She glanced into the mirror, making minute adjustments and noting any imperfections that needed to be fixed.

Zohra was carefully selecting her jewelry, expertly matching it to her black sequined dress. She occasionally glanced over at Hélène, who was deeply immersed in her makeup routine. Finally, she leaned in closer to Hélène and murmured, "Hélène, you look incredible as always. I don't think I've ever seen you so focused."

Hélène looked at her reflection, concern etched in her eyes. "Zohra, there's something about tonight that has me on edge. It's like... something isn't right."

Zohra raised an eyebrow, "Is it about Martina's new club? You know we can handle the competition, right?"

Hélène paused, her brow furrowed. "It's not just about the club. I know things about her that I can't ignore. She's ruthless, and I won't let her tarnish our reputation."

As Hélène continued to wrestle with her thoughts, Laurent couldn't help but be drawn to the sound of the performance. He discreetly moved towards the entrance to the main room, peeking out from behind the curtain. The vivacity of the show drew him in, but his eyes were only for one person on stage - Maelys.

She moved with grace, each movement leaving an indelible mark on his senses. Her presence, energy, and allure captivated him, making it nearly impossible to look away. He watched, spellbound, as Maelys danced her heart out, her passion and dedication on full display.

As Laurent remained entranced by Maelys' performance, Zohra, already finished with her makeup, sidled up beside him. She whispered softly, knowing her words could carry great weight. "Laurent, don't let your mind wander too far. You know how stern Hélène can be."

Startled by her presence, Laurent blinked, snapping back to reality. His feelings for Maelys had grown considerably, especially after their enchanting evening, but now her attitude had shifted drastically, confusing him. He looked at Zohra, a mix of emotions in his eyes. "Zohra, it's just... She's different, you know? I felt a connection last night, and now it's like she's a different person."

Zohra understood exactly what Maelys thought of Laurent, but she decided not to reveal this to him. She simply patted his shoulder sympathetically and offered her support in her own way.

After their preparations, the trio decided to walk to Martina's new club, located a few streets away. The cool evening breeze helped ease some of Hélène's anxiety, although Zohra still noticed her tense demeanor. She put an arm around Hélène's shoulder, trying to provide some comfort, and reassured her, "We've got this, Hélène. No one can replicate what we do."

As they approached the new club, it became clear that it was in an entirely different league from L'Éclat de Minuit. The modern aesthetics, the luxurious décor, and the sheer grandeur left them momentarily stunned. They glanced at each other, realizing how much they had underestimated Martina. Hélène's shoulders slumped, her confidence shaken.

Laurent, however, was quick to encourage Hélène. He leaned closer and said, "Hélène, remember, it's not just about the looks. It's about the talent and the unique experience we offer. We've been the best, and we'll remain the best."

They continued through the entrance, passing through the bustling cloackroom toward the main stage. The room was buzzing with excitement and chatter, and Zohra managed to secure a few drinks for them.

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