Chapter 8

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The following day marked another early start for both Zohra and Maelys. Maelys and her fellow dancers had an entire afternoon of rehearsals scheduled under Zohra's guidance. Hélène had entrusted her with creating a new dance routine to outshine the new competition at Martina's club.

As they sat at the breakfast table, Maelys and Zohra were reminiscing, chatting, and laughing just like old times. The comfort and ease of their companionship were undeniable. Maelys was profoundly grateful for her living arrangement with Zohra, which offered a haven of cleanliness and solace, a far cry from a dingy studio tucked away in a remote Parisian neighborhood. "Zohra, I can't thank you enough for letting me stay with you," Maelys said with gratitude in her eyes.

Zohra smiled warmly. "Of course, Maelys. We're like sisters, remember? We take care of each other."

Driving to the club in Zohra's car, they blasted their old-school teen anthems, the car vibrating with the force of the music. Singing along at the top of their lungs, the two friends reveled in the youthful spirit of the songs. At the busy intersection around the corner from the club, they found themselves enthusiastically engrossed in the music. 

Just as they danced in their seats, Maelys turned her head to the right and was taken aback by the sight of Laurent's face in the car next to them. He looked impeccably groomed in a beige suit with his hair elegantly swept back. Maelys tried to look away, but it was too late – Laurent had already spotted her. Zohra noticed him as well and rolled down Maelys' window. "Laurent, fancy meeting you here."

"Coincidence, isn't it?" Laurent quipped, a sly smile playing on his lips as amusement danced in his eyes.

Maelys tried to avoid eye contact, but Laurent's presence was undeniable. Zohra initiated a short conversation with him, attempting to keep it light and casual. Maelys, however, couldn't help but feel her cheeks flush with discomfort.

Once they arrived at the club, Maelys and Zohra noticed that Laurent had fallen behind. Hélène met the ladies as they entered the club, greeting them with a smile. "Thank you both for being so punctual," Hélène said, hugging them. "I can't wait to see what Zohra has prepared for the dancers." Zohra grinned. "You won't be disappointed, Hélène."

All the dancers had now arrived, and Blaise greeted Maelys with enthusiasm. "Hey, Maelys! Ready for another round of dancing?" Blaise asked with a wink. Their bond had grown significantly after their dinner together a few days ago. Maelys smiled and nodded. "Absolutely, Blaise. Let's make this routine unforgettable."

Everyone quickly changed into their costumes, which featured large feather fans that they needed to practice using. The enthusiasm among the dancers was palpable, each eager to see what Zohra had in store for them. With the club still closed, they had the privilege of practicing on the main stage rather than crammed into the backstage dressing rooms.

After several run-throughs of the routine, Laurent made his entrance into the club. He held an overpriced coffee in one hand. "Bonjour, everyone!" Laurent's voice boomed, and he wore an infectious smile. Hélène was quick to approach him, her curiosity evident. 

Maelys had learned from Zohra that Laurent's reputation as an exceptional negotiator meant that he often handled important club-related matters. Suddenly, Laurent and Hélène's conversation seemed to center on Maelys, who couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Practicing the routine was challenging, and the intensity left everyone exhausted. But with persistence and determination, each dancer executed the moves flawlessly. To celebrate the successful day, the dancers decided to go out for dinner.

"Maelys, we're heading to that charming bistro down the street. You should come with us," Blaise suggested, her eyes sparkling. Maelys was about to accept the invitation when Hélène called her from the bar. Maelys hurried over.

Hélène leaned in close, her voice low. "Maelys, I have a special invitation for you tonight. You're coming with me to a business dinner." Maelys' eyes widened in surprise. "A business dinner? What should I wear?" Hélène smiled and patted Maelys on the back. "Something elegant, my dear. It's a significant event. We'll pick you up at 7 o'clock. Don't be late." Maelys nodded eagerly, her excitement outweighing her nerves.

Maelys walked back to the other dancers, her heart heavy. She found Blaise and said with regret in her voice, "Blaise, I won't be able to join you tonight." Blaise's face fell slightly, but she understood. "It's okay, Maelys. We'll miss you, but we'll catch up soon." The rest of the dancers left for the bistro, leaving Zohra and Maelys alone by the stage.

Zohra turned to Maelys and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You did an incredible job during rehearsals, Maelys. I'm proud of you." Maelys smiled, touched by Zohra's support. "Thank you, Zohra. Your confidence and your guidance mean the world to me." Zohra glanced at the clock. "I'll go get the car ready. Pack up your things, and I'll be right back."

As Zohra headed for the exit, Maelys began packing her belongings. She placed her bag on the stage and carefully started to organize her stuff. After a few minutes, Laurent emerged from the small office at the back of the room.

He saw that Maelys was alone and felt a conflict within himself. Due to the recent events, he was torn about whether to engage in a conversation with her. He hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided to approach her.

Maelys looked shocked and blushed slightly as she saw Laurent approaching. "It's quite a coincidence that we bumped into each other this morning," he said with an awkward smile. Maelys nodded but didn't say much. The tension between them was palpable. Laurent began to stammer, attempting to address the events of the past few days and express his remorse.

"Maelys, I... I want to apologize for everything that happened," Laurent started, but Maelys cut him off. "It's not my business who you share a bed with," she replied, trying to maintain a degree of distance. Despite her resolve, she still felt drawn to him.

Silence hung in the air as both of them stood there. Laurent sighed softly and said, "I'll leave you be for now. See you tonight." Maelys was taken aback since she wasn't going to be at the club this evening. She nodded, and they went their separate ways.

A few minutes later, Zohra pulled up in front of the club, honking to signal Maelys. As Maelys descended the grand spiral staircase toward the exit, she nearly collided with Maurice, who was coming up with a couple of bottles in his arms.

Maurice chuckled and said, "We have to stop meeting like this." Maelys grinned and playfully winked at him. "Indeed, we do." Maurice lifted one of the bottles and asked, "How about we share this after the show tonight?" Maelys sighed, regret in her eyes. "I can't, Maurice. I have a dinner to attend tonight."

Maurice nodded understandingly and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. Maelys continued down the staircase and got into the car with Zohra. As Zohra drove them home, Maelys excitedly shared the news about the dinner.

"Zohra, it's a big night," Maelys began. "Hélène invited me to a business dinner, and I'm both thrilled and nervous. But I don't have an elegant dress for such an occasion." Zohra smiled mischievously. "Don't worry, Maelys. I've got you covered."

Once they arrived home, Zohra dashed to her bedroom and returned with a stunning, red evening gown adorned with shimmering diamonds. Maelys gasped. "Zohra, I can't keep borrowing your clothes." Zohra shook her head and explained that she had purchased the dress specifically for Maelys, anticipating such an evening.

Maelys could hardly believe her eyes. She thanked Zohra profusely, and they hurried to the bathroom, where Zohra helped Maelys with her hair and makeup, ensuring that she would look radiant for the important dinner ahead.

Montmartre Masquerade: A Burlesque TaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin