Moving In

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AN: yeah I'm so sorry

May 12, 2017.

Thirty - Emma

Amanda's collection of signs was sitting spread across Emma's bed. Every so often she would pick one up and hold it out to Emma for her to take. Amanda was insisting that she take at least one with her when she officially moved over to Taylor's. Amanda held out the sign that read who let the dirty slut out of the slut house that they had found in an eccentric store in Palm Beach. "Take this one."

"You really think I should bring that with me to move in with my girlfriend?"

Amanda put it back on the bed and picked up one that they had bought when they stopped in a town in rural Kentucky while on a road trip to visit Amanda's parents in California. "What about this one? I think it would fit."

"You have to be joking." Emma stared at the wooden sign Amanda was holding in the air.

"No, I'm serious. I think Taylor would appreciate it too."

Emma was actually speechless. She remembered the exact moment they had bought this one. It was meant to be a gift for Amanda's mother, but her mother had refused to accept it. It was 'vulgar' and 'salacious.' It had no room in their pristine Hollywood home. Once Emma had told Amanda she liked girls the sign had taken on a new purpose.

"No way am I taking that with me." Emma shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on. Don't be a wuss, she'll love it."

"Oh my god. What if someone breaks into her house and sees that?"

Amanda smiled, obviously realizing she had won. "I think if someone breaks in then that sign is the least of your worries."

Emma took the piece of wood and read over it once more. I'm not a gynecologist but I'll take a look. She shoved the sign inside the small box that contained the remainder of her things. The majority of her stuff had already managed to find a place in Taylor's apartment.

"Or you could take this one." Amanda picked up another sign that said mayor of titty city. "Actually take them both. You can have one for each side of the bed."

"Which goes on my side?"

"You'd know better than I do." Amanda shoved the second sign into the box and folded the corners into each other.

The drive to Taylor's didn't take nearly as long as Emma would have liked. She was excited but anxiety still riddled its way through her. The last and only person she had lived with like this had turned out to be not so kind, but that didn't mean anything about Taylor. She's caring and gentle, something he never was. She did everything in her power to make sure Emma was comfortable, he never did that either.

Taylor was standing by the door when Emma walked in. Amanda trailed behind her with the box in her hands. Amanda sat the box down on the couch and dug through it so she could hold out one of the signs to Emma. Taylor's face lit up the instant she read the words. She grabbed the piece of wood before Emma had a chance to shove it away.

"Where did you get this?" Taylor asked.

Emma's face reddened. "Alabama."

Apparently Amanda had felt the need to clarify. "Ballplay, Alabama."

Taylor walked over to the box and examined the contents. She pulled out the other sign and held it up. "What about this one?"

"Kentucky." Amanda smiled proudly and took the mayor of titty city sign to hand to Emma. "I think this one is yours."

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