Chapter 10.

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I kept driving and driving, not a clue where i was going until i arrived in a small town called Prescott. I pulled into a parking lot and sat in my car with my head in my hands, wondering why the fuck i did what i did. I should've just flushed it and not said anything. My phone was going crazy and had been since i left. Everyone was calling or texting me, asking me where i was but i just couldn't answer. They all think i'm using again and probably out getting stoned right now to deal with what just happened. I got out of my car for some fresh air and sat on the hood, watching as the odd car passed by but i wasn't really focused on that. None of them are going to hang out with me anymore, my relationship is fucked, my friendgroups fucked and now i have no one again. Might aswell go back to Gabe at this point. I sat on the hood of my car for what felt like forever before getting back in my car. My phone was still going crazy which was starting to push me over the edge so i powered it off. I threw it down on the passenger seat and started the car, driving out of the lot. I started driving again until i found a gas station, parking up and going in. I grabbed a crate of beer and went to the counter.

"How you doing tonight?" He asked as he scanned the beer.

"Great." I sighed, sarcastically.

"12.19." He said.

"Oh and a pack of cigarettes too." I said.

"Which ones?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Any."

He grabbed a pack of the shelf and scanned them too. "19.87."

I handed him a 20 dollar bill and grabbed my stuff, heading back to my car and getting in. I grabbed a beer and opened it with my teeth, spitting the cap out the window and taking a mouthful before opening the pack of cigarettes and grabbing one. I put it between my lips and lit it, throwing the lighter back in the glove compartment. I sat there for around half an hour, thinking about what to do before finally deciding. I was gonna go to Louis's, pack my shit and leave. The drive back home was torture, i kept getting lost because i didn't want to turn my phone back on out of spite but eventually, i made it to Louis's. I struggled to get the key in the door but i did and had my stuff packed within 20 minutes, not leaving anything behind. I threw my stuff in the boot of my car after locking the front door. I got back in my car and started to cruise around town, when i thought maybe Mollie would take me in. She was my only option as i was drunk driving and didn't want to get arrested.. again. I arrived at the apartment building and took the elevator up to the floor, stumbling to her apartment. I knocked the door and leaned on the wall while waiting for her to open it. The door slowly opened and she looked surprised when she saw me.

"Clem?" She asked.

"Hey.. can i crash here tonight?" I asked, slurring my words.

"Yeah, course." She nodded while moving out of the way to let me in. "Why are you here?"

"What?" I asked.

"I thought you were all away on a camping trip." She said.

"Shit happened." I sighed while taking a seat at the table.

"What happened?" She asked.

I told her everything, trying not to cry during it and begged her not to let them know i was here.

"You drove the whole way here drunk?!" She asked and i nodded.

"Not the first time." I shrugged.

"Im gonna let them know you're safe." She said while grabbing her phone.

"No, no! Please don't." I pleaded.

"Okay, okay." She said. "Lets get you to bed anyway."

She showed me to the spare room and layed out clothes for me. I thanked her and she ended up staying for even longer as we were laying on the bed talking about what happened. She tried her hardest trying to convince me to let her talk to them but i kept shutting it down. It's not that i didn't want to talk to them but i knew they believed Violet. They had every right too.

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