Chapter 11.

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(year later)

Today's the day i turn 23. Shit am i old. It was just me in my new apartment, new town, fresh start. I got up and went out to the balcony after grabbing the pre-rolled blunt and lighter from my desk. I lit the blunt after taking a seat at the table outside and taking a deep drag aswell as taking in the view. This new town, it was great. Great people, great places. I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, opening instagram and scrolling through for a bit before the blunt was gone. I decided on going out to buy some stuff after seeing i had absolutely no food in the house. I got changed into fresh clothes and grabbed my board, heading downstairs and outside. The shop was only around 5 minutes away but i made it in 3.
I hopped off my board and grabbed it, walking in and picking up random stuff i thought id like before walking to the till.

"Hey Clem." Danny smiled.

"Hey Dan." I said.

"How's things?" He asked.

"Good, what about you? How's Chloe?" I asked.

"She's good, moody as normal." He shrugged.

"No surprise."

We continued on talking before someone was behind me waiting to pay so i said goodbye and left. I headed back to my apartment but decided on taking a small detour to the park just to see who was around, where i ran into Chloe.

"Hey Chloe." I smiled.

"Hey Clem, how's things?" She asked.

"Good, you?" I asked.

"Good yeah. You heading out tonight?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I was gonna go back to Georgia for the day but didn't bother."

"Why Georgia?" She asked.

"It's my birthday." I shrugged.

"No way! What age are you!" She asked.

"23." I said.

"And you're not out celebrating?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Rather smoke joints."

"Yeah fair." She chuckled.

"I ran into Justin at the shop, he said you were moody so got kinda scared when you started shouting." I chuckled.

"Im going to strangle him." She sighed.

"In bed? Kinky." I chuckled and she did too at my joke.

"Listen i've to go but i'll see you later." She smiled.

"Bye chlo." I smiled.

I headed back to my apartment as i didn't see anyone else just a few people i was civil with. I jumped off my board and headed up the steps of my apartment building but decided to smoke a cigarette first. I put my board at my feet and lit the cigarette before pulling out my phone. I saw i had a few new messages but didn't pass much remarks and just went on instagram. After around 5 minutes the cigarette was gone and i headed upstairs, taking the elevator as i wasn't bothered walking up the stairs. I walked to my apartment and unlocked the door, watching my phone and not looking up. I took my hoodie off and hung it behind the door before finishing up with my phone and turning on the light.

"Happy Birthday!" They shouted in sync and i jumped.

I looked around in shock as i saw Sophie, Brody, Marlon, Louis and Violet all stood around with little hats on them and smiles plastered on their faces.

"I thought you were all working." I said, chuckling.

"And miss your birthday? No fuckin' way." Louis chuckled.

They all came out from behind the couches and Violet walked toward me with a smile.

"Happy birthday m'love." She smiled as she placed her hands on my lower hips and i placed mine around her neck. She leaned in for a kiss and we could hear the others whistling.

"I didn't think you remembered." I said.

"Of course i did." She smiled.

"Alright let's get drunk!" Marlon cheered.

"I can't, i'm working later on." I said.

"Oh we sorted that out." Sophie smiled while handing me a beer.

"What?" I asked.

"We got you the day off." Brody smiled.

"Aw great." I smiled, taking the beer.

About an hour later, everyone was tipsy and wanted to head out to the bar which i was fine with i just wanted to smoke a joint first. I was out on the balcony on my own rolling the joint when Violet joined me.

"You ready to go?" She asked.

"Let me smoke this first." I said after licking the paper and sticking it.

"Bring it, walk and smoke it." She said.

"I'm on my last warning. Do you want me to get arrested?" I chuckled.

"Uhhh, no not really." She said.

"Then sit down and smoke here with me." I said while placing the joint between my lips and lighting it.

"Im gald you agreed." She said.

"Hm?" I asked.

"When you left, you weren't gonna talk to us again, but you did. Even if it did take months." She said.

"I'm sorry i just up and left, but i didn't want that life for yous." I said.

"That life." She chuckled, mocking me. "That life, is the happiest life i could ever imagine."

I smiled at her and she smiled back. "I honestly didn't think yous cared that much."

"Are you kidding? Clem i love you, the whole group loves you. Of course we care." She said as i handed her the joint.

"Awh how cute." I chuckled.

"Shut up." She chuckled.

"Can you guys stop with the love fest and come on?" Louis asked after walking out to us.

"We're coming." I said, taking one last drag of the joint after Violet handed it to me.

I stubbed it out and stood up, adjusting my jacket.

"Lets go." Violet said, walking infront of me.

I grabbed her hand and took it in mine, grabbing my keys before we left. I flicked off the lights and walked out the door, closing it behind me and locking it. The group walked on while Violet waited on me, taking my hand again after i locked the door.

"Oh and i love you too." I smiled while we were walking down the hall.

"Hm?" She asked.

"You said it to me on the balcony and i never said it back." I said.

She chuckled slightly. "You always had a delayed reaction."

"Shut up." I chuckled.

Sorry its a short chapter but while i was looking through my old stories and saw this one, i thought id make another chapter with a happy ending so enjoy!


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