Chapter 2

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Too curious

No ease dropping Pandora, I say to myself as I leave the room. Is Ms. Bonnette talking about me or something more serious? Is it about school? Of course it's about school, I say to myself firmly. I look at the door. What could they be talking about?

"There is only one more day of school! So just deal with it!!!" Mr. Forest shouted behind the door.

I glance around to make sure no one was looking, then I quietly tiptoe towards the door.

"She's too curious for her own good," I hear Ms. Bonnette argue.

"Ms. Bonnette, how does she do in...."

"What are you doing Pandora?" I whirl around and see Lily.

"" I look at the ground. Lily's my best friend. Actually she's my only friend.

"You better not have been easedropping again," she whispers in a hoarse voice.

"I really didn't try to. The door just has a pulling sense. You know what I mean?"

"If you are saying the door has its own gravitational pull you are wrong. Now let's get out of here before you get caught."

"Wait,Lily, what are you doing here? We still have 10 minutes before lunch. Are you skipping class? Were you sent here? Wait," I gasp, "did you get detention?" I ask and eye Lily closely.

"I was sent to the principles office for arguing to the teacher."

I gasp. "Why would you do that?"

"Well.....our substitute teacher, Mr. Hamilton, said that a platipus is the only egg laying mammal. Soooo, then I told him that the echidna is a mammal that lays eggs as well. He got all red and then said I made up the name. After that I told him it was a real animal and I could prove it. Following that he shouted, 'sit your stupid but down and shut up.' I then replied, 'can't you get in trouble for talking to a student like that?' I had asked. He then glared at me, wrote down something on a paper, gave it to me, and told me to come here." I open my mouth to ask a question.

"How on earth can you still have a question?" Lily interupps.

"I just wanted to know what's for lunch today. Its almost lunch time."


I look around to see what made the sound. Lily nuges me. "What..?" I start. But then, I stop, for standing between me and the principles door is the very principle himself, Mr. Forest.

"I thought I told you not to easedrop!" That was all he could take. He turned around went into his room, dialed a number, and picked up the phone.

"Hello. Is this Pandora's parents?" he pauses, "She has been expelled."

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