Chapter 6

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P.o.v. Lily

Pandora and I look at each other and go into the door. Inside is a white ground, light blue sky, many winged horses, and a diamond castle. I look back at the creature and study it. I'm pretty sure I just herd it talk, but that doesn't make any sense.

"Did you just talk?" Pandora asks. So it did talk, at least now I know I'm not going crazy.

"Yes," the pegasus replies. I try to say something but I can't think of anything.

"What are you? Are you a horse? Wait, are those wings? Where are we?" I look side ways at Pandora. She never runs out of questions. Most people find her annoying, that's why she became my friend, neither of us fit in at school. Jordan says 8th grade will be better and I'll make new friends.

I look back at the creature. I've seen it before in....oh yeah, it was in history book. "It's a pegasus. But, as for where we are, I don't know," I step back so I can see around the pegasus. I gasp. "Are we in the sky?!"

"Yes. This is where all the pegasus live."

"If your in the sky how come we never see you?" I ask. I've never seen a pegasus in the sky.

"First off, how did we go from being in a garden to being in the sky?" Pandora has a point. How could a door lead into the sky?

"You walked through a portal. And we're so high in the sky you can't see us. Now, my question is, how did you find the secret door?" I point to Pandora.

Pandora tells him how she found the door. He starts to get antsy.

"Is every thing all right?" Pandora asks.

"No," he hesatates then tells us that pegasus keep disappearing and no one knows why. "We better go before something happens."

*****Hey, I ran out of ideas. If you have one please comment.

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