Chapter 7

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"Go home. It was nice meeting you, but it's not safe here," the Pegasus looks at his feet.

"Why? Can't we help you? Please?" I ask.

"No! I don't want to risk it."

I turn back to the door that leads into the portal. I reach out, grab the handle, and pull. "Why isn't it opening?"

"Here let me try," Lily says and comes up to the door. She's pulling as hard as she can, "It won't budge. It's stuck."

"Why?" It wasn't like this on the way here.

"Because, I don't want any humans like you coming here and stealing what I found!" A man comes out from behind the bushes.

"Ah, Saturn, I've been watching you. Your full of so much magic." The Man looked at the Pegasus,Saturn, like a dog looking at a giant dog bone.

"So, your the one who has been taking Pegasus," Lilly accuses.

"Of course. Do you know how much magic you can get from a Pegasus?"

"Why would you do that? How did you get here? What do you mean by magic?" My mind is exploding with questions.

"You," the man points to me, "ask to many questions," he takes out a little bag and sticks his hand in it. Then, he pulls out some dust and throughs it at me. "Into a pegusas!"

My hands go to the ground and then they grow to match my legs, which turns into hoofs. Next, I feel my neck grow and fatten. Last is my face. My eyes go to my ears, the ears disappear, then horse ears appear on my head, and I grow fur. My sight is on the side of my face now and I hear a lot better.

"As you can see I'm a wizard!" He gives a toothless grin, "Let's take your magic now." He points at Saturn.

"Stop! Why would you do this to such a beautiful species? And...."

"Into a pegusas!" He interupps Lily. Out of my right eye I see Lily slowly transform into a pegusas.
I gather spit in my mouth and spit, right in the eye. "Fly!" I shout. I let Saturn take the lead and follow him to the castle. I turn my ear and hear him curse.

What am I suppose to do now? I'm a pegusas! I can't go home like this!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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