Chapter 5

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Sky Kingdom

*Next day

"Are we there yet?" I ask Lily.


I stare out the window of Lily's foster mom's SUV. There are trees on both sides of the road. I've never seen this many trees. There are trees that vary in shape and color. Unlike Austin, Texas were all we have is dirt and 1 occasional tree here and there. I wish I lived up here instead of Texas. I suddenly notice how silent it is.

"Whatcha thinking about Lily?"

"Just wondering if my aunt will like me. I've only seen her once, when I was 1. I don't even remember her. I just....."

"We're here," Lily's foster mom, Jordan, cuts in.

When the car is stopped we get out and bring our stuff inside. Lily and I decide to go outside and explore. We find this huge apple orchard with trees in a circle and a flower garden in the middle.

"Come on, let's go explore," I tell her. What flowers are in the middle? I wonder.

"No. My aunt said not to go in there. Remember?" My feet start walking one foot in front of another. I need to see it.


I stop and bite my lip. It's so tempting. "I'll be right back. I just want a peek," Don't look back, just keep walking, I tell myself. A peek can't hurt. Right?

I go through the ring of apple trees and come to a willow tree. Its the only one here. That's strange. Ow. The suns in my eye. Wait, it's cloudy outside, so where did the glare come from? I turn in a circle looking for the glare. Ow. I stop in front of the willow tree. The glares coming from under the willow tree's branches. I walk toward it and lift up a branch. A door is carved into the tree with sapphire jewels around the frame. I reach out to turn the knob on the door.

"Pandora! Pandora! Come out!" Lily shouts. But I need to see what's behind the door. I'll just take a quick peek. I turn the door knob and the door opens.

Stomp. Stomp.

"Pandora, come on we need" All I can do is nod my head. I'm speechless, for right in front of us is a silver pegasus.

"Welcome to sky kingdom," the pegasus says.

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